- Source: RoboSub
RoboSub is a competition whose goal is to advance the development of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) by challenging a new generation of engineers to perform realistic missions in an underwater environment. It was launched in 1997 and is co-sponsored by the RoboNation (formerly the AUVSI Foundation) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The event also serves to foster ties between young engineers and the organizations developing AUV technologies. The competition is open to high school and college teams from around the world. Since about 2002, it has been held each summer at the U.S. Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific's TRANSDEC Anechoic pool in San Diego, California. In 2022, the competition took place at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Winners by year
There were no live competition winners in 2021 as the competition was held online. Instead, competitors were judged on submitted videos, reports, and website.
Detailed competition history
= 2022
=Autonomy Challenge Awards
National University of Singapore ($6,000)
Amador Valley High School Robotics ($3,000)
Carnegie Mellon University ($2,000)
University of Alberta ($1,500)ARVP
École de Technologie Supérieure ($1,000)
Cornell University ($1,000)
Design Documentation
National University of Singapore ($1,000)
École de Technologie Supérieure ($750)
The Ohio State University ($500)
Underwater Robotics Club at NC State University
Vortex NTNU
Judges Special Awards
Best Report ($500): Duke University
Best Online Presentation ($500): Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Best Link of Competition Strategy to Design Objectives ($500): Autonomous Maritime Robotics Association at Embry-Riddle
Best Third Chance ($500): Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Inter-vehicle Communications ($250): École de Technologie Supérieure
= 2021 "Ides of TRANSDEC"
Per the Final Rules and Mission, "The fundamental goal of the mission is for an AUV to demonstrate its autonomy by completing an underwater Ides of TRANSDEC mission. The vehicle will be able to commence in training (dock/release buoys), pass over an obstacle course (PVC pipe to pass over), enter the gladiator ring (drop markers), Et tu Brute? (shoot torpedoes through a cutout), feed grapes to the emperor (manipulate a cylinder), and finally collect the Laurel wreath and crown the emperor (find a pinger, grab an object and move/release the object)."
= 2020
=Overall Winners
Team Inspiration -- $3,000
Si Se Puede Foundation & Arizona State University -- $2,000
Tecnológico de Monterrey -- $1,500
San Diego State University -- $1,000
Carnegie Mellon University -- $1,000
University of Alberta -- $1,000ARVP
Video Winners
Tecnológico de Monterrey -- $1,000
Team Inspiration -- $800
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay -- $600
Si Se Puede Foundation & Arizona State University -- $400
San Diego State University -- $200
Technical Design Report Winners
Team Inspiration -- $1,000
California Institute of Technology -- $800
Si Se Puede Foundation & Arizona State University -- $600
Duke University -- $400
The Ohio State University -- $200
Website Winners
Team Inspiration -- $1,000
Si Se Puede Foundation & Arizona State University -- $800
Amador Valley High School -- $600
Tecnológico de Monterrey -- $400
École de Technologie Supérieure -- $200
Special Awards
Holding Steady ($500): Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Newest Players ($500): Ain Shams University
Pixelated RoboSub ($500): National University of Singapore
= 2019
=Harbin Engineering University -- $6,000
Far Eastern Federal University / Institute for Marine Technology Problems -- $4,000
Arizona State University Polytechnic -- $3,000
University of Alberta -- $2,000ARVP
Cornell University -- $1,000
Best Static Judging: National University of Singapore
First to Pre-Qualify: University of AlbertaARVP
Most Inspirational: Team Inspiration
Data Sharing: The Ohio State University
Best Website: École de Technologie Supérieure
Most Improved: California Institute of Technology
Most Entertaining Video: The Center for Robotics Development
= 2018
=Harbin Engineering University -- $7,000
National University of Singapore -- $6,000
California Institute of Technology -- $2,500
École de Technologie Supérieure -- $2,500
Cornell University
= 2017
=Cornell University, USA ($4,500)
Far Eastern University/Institute for Marine Technology Problems, Russia ($4,000)
National University of Singapore, Singapore ($3,000)
Harbin Engineering University, China ($2,000)
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA ($1,000)
Best PR: San Diego State University, USA ($1,000)
= 2016
=California Institute of Technology, $6,000
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, $5,000
Cornell University, $2,000
G.I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University, $1,500
Kasetsart University & Chulalongkorn University, $1,500
Harbin Engineering University, $1,000
McGill University, $1,000
= 2015
=San Diego State University, $6,000
National University of Singapore, $4,000
Maritime State University, $3,000
California Institute of Technology, $1,000
University of Arizona: $1,000
Far Eastern Federal University, $1,000
Amador Valley High School, $1,000
= 2014
=Cornell University (awarded $10,000)
University of Florida (awarded $5,000)
Team SONIA - École de Technologie Supérieure (Canada) (awarded $1,000)
Far Eastern Federal University (Russian Federation) (awarded $1,000)
National University of Singapore (Singapore) (awarded $1,000)
Reykjavik University (Iceland)
California Institute of Technology
San Diego State University Mechatronics Club
Harbin Engineering University (China)
McGill University (Canada)
Daytona Beach Area Homeschoolers - Team S.S. Minnow
University of Arizona
Amador Valley High School
Mälardalen University (Sweden)
India Institute of Technology Madras (India)
University of Alberta (Canada)ARVP
Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japan)
Kasetsart University (Thailand)
Carl Hayden High School - Falcon Robotics
Embry-Riddle Aerospace University
Palouse Robosub Club (Washington/Idaho)
San Diego City College
Prairie View A&M University
University of Maryland
India Institute of Technology Bombay (India)
Team Bangalore Robotics (India)
University of Colorado Boulder
San Diego City Robotics 101
University of Southern California
Istanbul Technical University (Turkey)
University of Toronto (Canada)
St. Georges School (Canada)
Delhi Technical University (India)
California Southern Polytechnic University
Ain Shams University (Egypt)
Montana State University
Southern Polytechnic State University (Georgia)
RoboEgypt (Egypt)
Best New Entry: California Institute of Technology (awarded $500)
Best Branding: McGill University (awarded $500)
International Collaboration Team Bangalore Robotics (awarded $500)
Mayor's Cup for Outreach: Team SONIA - École de Technologie Supérieure (Canada)(awarded $500)
= 2013
=Cornell University (awarded $8,000)
University of Florida (awarded $4,000)
Far Eastern Federal University (Russian Federation)(awarded $3,000)
University of Maryland (awarded $1,000)
Harbin Engineering University (China)(awarded $1,000)
Amador Valley High School
National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Carl Hayden High School - Falcon Robotics
Best Static Judging: Team SONIA - École de Technologie Supérieure (Canada)(awarded $500)
Best Journal Paper: Cornell University (awarded $500)
Best Bang for the Buck: Daytona Beach Area Homeschoolers - Team S.S. Minnow (awarded $500)
Best New Entry: National University of Singapore (Singapore)(awarded $500)
Best Outreach Programs: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, North Carolina State University, Carl Hayden High School (awarded $500 each)
= 2012
=Cornell University (awarded $8,000)
University of Florida (awarded $4,000)
Team SONIA - École de Technologie Supérieure (Canada)(awarded $3,000)
Harbin Engineering University (China)(awarded $1,000)
Far Eastern Federal University (Russian Federation)(awarded $1,000)
University of Maryland (awarded $1,000)
Static Judging: Cornell University
Craftsmanship: Mälardalen University
Best new entry: Far Eastern Federal University
Gladiator challenge: University of Central Florida
Mayor's Cup for Community Outreach: San Diego City College
= 2011
=ETS Team SONIA (awarded $7,000)
Cornell University (awarded $4000)
University of Florida (awarded $3,000)
Reykjavik University (awarded $2,000)
University of Maryland (awarded $500)
University of Rhode Island ($500)
United States Naval Academy
North Carolina State
Mayor's Cup for Community Outreach: Carl Hayden High School (awarded $1,000)
Second Chance Award: University of Central Florida (awarded $1,000)
Outstanding Technical Mentorship: University of Maryland ($500)
Hardware is Hard Award: Utah State University (awarded $500)
Innovation on a Budget Award: Mesa College
Best Paper Award: Kyushu University
= 2010
=Cornell ($6,000 Prize)
U.S. Naval Academy ($5,000)
University of Maryland ($2,250)
ETS ($1,750)
Amador Valley High School ($1,000)
University of Texas at Dallas ($1,000)
Kyushu Institute of Technology ($1,000)
University of Central Florida: Second Chance Award ($,1000)
San Diego City College: Best Group Presentation ($500)
Reykjavik University: Determination Award ($500)
= 2009
=Cornell University ($10K)
University of Victoria ($4K)
University of Rhode Island ($3K)
U Texas @ Dallas
U Maryland
Kyushu Institute of Tech
US Naval Academy
Delhi College of Engineering
NC State U
Saint George's
U Toronto MDA
U Florida
Embry Riddle
U Ottawa
Pacific Nautilus
U Colorado @ Denver
McGill U
Best New Team: St. Georges ($1000)
Most with the Least: Florida Atlantic University ($500)
Best technical paper: Kyushu ($500)
TSA Award: Embry Riddle ($500) (vehicle was significantly damaged in shipping by the TSA)
= 2008
=University of Maryland
University of Texas at Dallas
École de technologie supérieure
University of Florida
United States Naval Academy
University of Victoria
Cornell University
Florida Atlantic University
Delhi College of Engineering
San Diego City College
San Diego iBotics
University of Ottawa
Amador Valley High School
Southern Methodist University
University of Southern California
Georgia Tech
University of AlbertaARVP
University of Colorado at Boulder
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Universite Laval
Southern Polytechnic State University
University of West Florida
University of Wisconsin
North Carolina State University
Norwich University
= 2007
=University of Florida, USA
University of Rhode Island, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, USA
École de Technologie Supérieure, CANADA
Cornell University, USA
University of Central Florida, USA
University of Southern California, USA
United States Naval Academy, USA
Southern Polytechnic State University, USA
Pacific Nautilus San Diego City College, USA
University of Maryland, USA
Southern Methodist University, USA
Smurphs Pair, Home School, USA
Amador Valley High School Robotics Club, USA
University of Colorado at Denver, USA
NW AUV Fellowship, USA
University of Victoria, CANADA
Virginia Tech AUVT, USA
University of Ottawa, CANADA
Duke University, USA
University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Delhi College of Engineering, INDIA
Georgia Tech, USA
San Diego iBotics AUV, USA
University of Toronto, CANADA
North Carolina State University, USA
Kyushu Institute of Technology, JAPAN
= 2006
=University of Florida
Duke University
Ecole de technologie superieure
University of Rhode Island
University of Texas at Dallas
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cornell University
University of Central Florida
North Carolina State University
Southern Polytechnic State University
University of Toronto
Virginia Tech
University of Ottawa
University of Victoria
Amador Valley High School
Georgia Tech
San Diego City College
University of Colorado Denver
University of Southern California
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Indian Underwater Robotics Society
Best New Entry - University of Toronto
Best New Design - University of Central Florida
= 2005
=University of Florida
Ecole de Technologie Superieure
Duke University
Amador Valley High School
University of Rhode Island
University of Southern California
Cornell University
University of Colorado at Denver
Southern Polytechnic State University
University of Texas at Dallas
Georgia Tech - Marine Robotics Society
University of Central Florida
Virginia Tech
University of Ottawa
University of Victoria
North Carolina State University
Indian Underwater Robotics Society
No Guts No Glory: Ecole de Technologie Superieure
Docking Dollars: Duke University
Best New Entry: Georgia Tech - Marine Robotics Society
= 2004
=Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cornell University
Ecole de technologie superieure
University of Rhode Island
Duke University
University of Ottawa
University of Florida
Amador Valley High School
University of Texas at Dallas
University of Victoria
Virginia Tech
Pacific Northwest AUV Fellowship
San Diego State University
University of Colorado at Denver
University of Central Florida
Southern Polytechnic State University
Brigham Young University - Hawaii
University Southern California
Best Newcomer: University of Ottawa
Lightest Entry: Brigham Young University - Hawaii
Most Innovative: Duke University
= 2003
=Cornell University
Ecole de technologie superieure (Montreal)
Amador Valley High School
University of Rhode Island
Hammerhead AUV Fellowship
University of Florida
University of Colorado - Denver
University of Victoria
University of West Florida
Virginia Tech
= 2002
Cornell University
University of Florida
Amador Valley High School
University of Rhode Island
Ecole de technologie superieure
Florida Atlantic University
Team Tortuga
U.S. Naval Academy
Saratoga and Monta Vista High Schools
University of Victoria
University of West Florida
University of Colorado - Denver
= 2001
Amador Valley High School
University of Florida
University of Rhode Island
Cornell University
University of Colorado at Denver
Duke/North Carolina State Universities
Florida Atlantic University
U.S. Naval Academy
Monta Vista High School
Ecole de Technologie Superieure
Stevens Institute of Technology
Good Neighbor Award: University of Colorado-Denver
Bang for the Buck Award: Monta Vista High School
Best New Entry: Duke and N.C. State Universities
= 2000
=University of Rhode Island
(tie) Cornell University and MIT
US Naval Academy
University of W. Florida
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Amador Valley High School
University of Florida
Stevens Inst. of Technology
Florida Atlantic University
University of Colorado - Denver
Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Montreal)
= 1999
University of Florida
Florida Atlantic University
Honorable Mention: U.S. Naval Academy
Honorable Mention: Stevens Institute of Technology
= 1998
Stevens Institute of Technology
University of Florida
Johns Hopkins University
External links
RoboSub official site