- Source: Sikarpur, Cooch Behar
Sikarpur is a village and a gram panchayat in the Mathabhanga I CD block in the Mathabhanga subdivision of the Cooch Behar district in the state of West Bengal, India.
= Location
=Sikarpur is located at 26.343161°N 89.157461°E / 26.343161; 89.157461.
= Area overview
=The map alongside shows the western part of the district. In Mekhliganj subdivision 9.91% of the population lives in the urban areas and 90.09% lives in the rural areas. In Mathabhanga subdivision 3.67% of the population, the lowest in the district, lives in the urban areas and 96.35% lives in the rural areas. The entire district forms the flat alluvial flood plains of mighty rivers.
Note: The map alongside presents some of the notable locations in the subdivisions. All places marked in the map are linked in the larger full screen map.
Civic administration
= CD block HQ
=The headquarters of the Mathabhanga I CD block are located at Sikarpur.
As per the 2011 Census of India, Sikarpur had a total population of 1,546. There were 792 (51%) males and 754 (49%) females. There were 214 persons in the age range of 0 to 6 years. The total number of literate people in Sikarpur was 937 (70.35% of the population over 6 years).