- Source: Temples associated with the seven Tantric chakras
Many temples in India and one in China are associated with the seven chakras.
Shiva temples
Aathara Stalam indicates the places that serve as the personifications of tantric chakras associated with the human anatomy. Four temples are located in Tamil Nadu, one in Andhra Pradesh,one in Uttar Pradesh, one in Jammu & Kashmir and one in China.
Vishnu temples
Eight Vaishnava Temples are associated with the chakras of human anatomy. One is located in Gujarat, one in Andhra Pradesh, one in Uttarakhand, one in Karnataka, one in Tamil Nadu and three in Uttar Pradesh.
Saptpuri Temples
All Saptpuri (ayodhya,kashi,mathura,haridwar,ujjain, dwarka and kanchipuram) are considered the personification of the seven tantric chakras.