- Source: Tit Bud
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Noble Tit Bud de Budfalva (24 December 1846 ā 19 August 1917) was an Imperial Austrian-born Romanian Greek Catholic priest, author, folklorist, translator, historian, aristocrat, vicar of MaramureČ, director of the Boarding school of Sighet, vice-president of the "Association for the culture of the Romanian people from MaramureČ" and president of the "Organization of Romanian teachers from MaramureČ". He spoke seven languages.
Ritual pentru pruncii Åcolari din Åcoalele elementare poporale (Ritual for school children in popular elementary schools), SzamosĆŗjvĆ”r, Editura tipografiei diecezane, 1910, OCLC 1016479663
Date istorice despre protopopiatele, parohiile mÄnÄstirile romĆ¢ne din MaramureČ din timpurile vechi pĆ¢nÄ Ć®n anul 1911 (Historical data about the archdioceses, parishes, Romanian monasteries in MaramureČ from ancient times until 1911), Gherla, Ed. Cu literile tipografiei diecezane, 1911, OCLC 1016492105
Tipic preoÅ£esc din cÄrÅ£ile rituale (Typical priesthood from ritual books), Tipografia "Aurora" A. Todoran, Gherla, 1894, OCLC 1016473879
ViaÅ£a sĆ¢nÅ£ilor (The life of the saints), Gherla, Tipografia DiecesanÄ, 1897, OCLC 1043310920
Tipic bisericesc din cÄrÅ£ile rituali Åi manuale de acest soiu (Typical church from ritual books and textbooks of this kind), Gherla, Cu literile tipografiei diecezane, 1906, OCLC 1016473661
InsÄmnÄri Åi date despre Ć®nfiinÅ£area parochiei gr.-cat. romĆ¢ne din Sigetul MaramureÅului (MĆ”ramarossziget) (Inseminations and data about the establishment of the parish gr.-cat. Romanians from the Siget of Maramures), Gherla, ed. cu literele Tipografiei Diecesane, 1905, OCLC 895400186, OCLC 1132624506
Catechese pentru pruncii scolari din scolele elementare poporale (Catechesis for school children in public elementary schools), Gherla, 1977, OCLC 1079076030
Poezii populare din MaramureČ (Popular poems from MaramureČ), Bucharest 1908, 86 p. (Published by the Romanian Academy), OCLC 162631091
Concordantia biblica reale seu Locuri scripturali in ordinea alfabetica a materieloru diverse (Real biblical concordance or Scriptural places in the alphabetical order of various subjects), Gherla, 1876, OCLC 1079078615
Cuventari funebrale Åi iertaÅ£iuni din auctori renumiÅ£i Åi din scriptele [lui] Georgiu Molnaru (Funeral speeches and pardons from famous authors and from the scripts of Georgiu Molnaru), Gherla, 1878, OCLC 1079234867
AsociaÅ£iunea pentru cultura poporului romĆ®n din MaramureÅ: istoric, realizÄri (Association for the culture of the Romanian people from MaramureÅ: history, achievements), Transilvania, 1902, OCLC 898938978
DisertaÅ£iune despre episcopii Åi vicarii romĆ¢ni din MaramureÅ (Dissertation about the Romanian bishops and vicars of MaramureÅ), Tipografia DiecezanÄ, Gherla, 1891.
Doine Åi hore poporale din MaramureÅ (Doine and folk choirs from MaramureÅ), 1872,
Viaţa Preacuratei Vergure Maria (The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Gherla, 1879, 1886, 1897
De unde nu este rentorcere: roman de Adrien Gabrielly (Where there is no return: novel by Adrien Gabrielly), Pesta, 1872 OCLC 1043083413
Translations from A. Daudet
He was a member of the Bud de Budfalva noble family, a cadet branch of the House of Both. He was the brother of Noble JĆ”nos Bud de Budfalva, Minister of Finance (1924ā1928), Minister of Food, Minister of Economy of the Kingdom of Hungary and cousin of Lady Irina Bud de Budfalva (1901ā1980), landowner and philanthropist from OaČ Country, wife of Baron Vasile Mihalca de Dolha and Petrova.
Mircea PÄcurariu, DicČionarul teologilor romĆ¢ni (The Dictionary of Romanian Theologians), OCLC 954573645, OCLC 953702407
Bud, Tit (1911). Date istorice despre protopopiatele, parochiile Či mÄnÄstirile romĆ¢ne din MaramureČ din timpurile vechi pĆ¢nÄ Ć®n anul 1911. Gherla.
Marina, Mihai (1998). MaramureČeni, portrete Či medalioane. Cluj: Editura DragoČ VodÄ, 178ā185. ISBN 973-98025-7-5.
CĆ¢mpeanu Marius Constantin, doctorate thesis VICARIATUL GRECO-CATOLIC AL MARAMUREÅULUI ĆNTRE ANII 1856 ÅI 1930, Scientific leader PhD Simion Retegan, ClujāNapoca, 2015 (Legal deposit at National Library of Romania: quota V 110690, Barcod DL-BN/2018/83195)