- Source: Tuttle Twins
The Tuttle Twins is an American children's animated series based on the libertarian book series by Connor Boyack and produced by Angel Studios with $4.6 million in equity crowdfunding. The series is centered on two titular twin siblings, Ethan and Emily, and their grandmother, Gabby, who travel through time to meet historical figures and learn lessons about economics.
= Main
=Ethan Tuttle is Emily's twin brother and Gabby's grandson.
Emily Tuttle is Ethan's twin sister and Gabby's granddaughter.
Gabby is Ethan and Emily's grandmother.
Derek is a raccoon who accompanies Ethan, Emily and Gabby on their time-traveling adventures.
= Recurring
= Historical characters
=Harriet Tubman
Susan B. Anthony
Mother Teresa
Frédéric Bastiat
Rosa Parks
Milton Friedman
Annie Turnbo Malone
Frances Xavier Cabrini
Karl Marx
John Locke
Satoshi Nakamoto
Albert Einstein
George Washington
Joyce Chen
Friedrich Hayek
Ludwig von Mises
William Bradford
Frederick Douglass
Adam Smith
Benjamin Franklin
James Madison
Henry Hazlitt
Mike Rowe (voiced by himself)