- Source: Undeniable (TV series)
Undeniable is a two-part British television thriller serial, first broadcast on ITV in 2014. Written by Chris Lang, directed by John Strickland and starring Claire Goose, Peter Firth and Christine Bottomley, Undeniable follows the story of Andrew Rawlins, a murderer who is brought to justice by the efforts of a woman, Jane Phillips, who witnessed him kill her mother when she was seven years old. The two-part thriller was announced on 1 November 2013, with location filming confirmed to take place later that month in Dublin and County Wicklow, Ireland. The thriller was released on DVD on 2 March 2015.
Critical reception
Ellen Jones, writing for The Independent, said of the series
Claire Goose as Jane Fielding
Peter Firth as Andrew Rawlins
Christine Bottomley as Emma Rawlins
Pippa Haywood as DI Alison Hall
Nick Lee as DS Mark Renwick
Shashi Rami as DSI Vikram Singh
Sarah Winman as Beth Rawlins
Robert Thompson as Max Rawlins
Robert Pugh as Pete Phillips
Felix Scott as Rob Feilding
Alisha Kelly as Young Jane Phillips
External links
Undeniable at IMDb