• Source: Zainabad
    • Zainabad is a village located in DAHINA Block of Rewari district in Haryana. Positioned in rural area of Rewari district of Haryana, it is one of the 39 villages of Dahina Block of Rewari district. As per the government records, the village code of Zainabad is 62460. The village has 1072 families.


      According to the 2011 census, Zainabad's population is 5205. Out of this, 2734 are males whereas the females count 2471 here. This village has 540 kids in the age group of 0–6 years. Among them 313 are boys and 227 are girls.

      Literacy rate

      Literacy rate in Zainabad village is 86%. 4685 out of total 5205 population is educated here. Among males the literacy rate is 92% as 2515 males out of total 2734 are educated while female literacy ratio is 73% as 1803 out of total 2471 females are educated in this Village.


      The number of working person of Zainabad village is 1908 whereas 3297 are un-employed. And out of 1908 employed people 638 individuals are totally reliant on agriculture.

      Village Panchayat


      = Air

      The nearest airport is Indira Gandhi International Airport at Palam, New Delhi, 107 km away, for all domestic and international flights.

      = Railway


      The nearest railway station is Dahina Zainabad. On the route of Rewari - Mahendergarh

      = Road

      Zainabad is connected by SH-24 Rewari-Dahina-Kanina-Mahendragarh road and Dahina to Kund road. Rewari is 25 km, Mahendergarh is 29 km and Kund is 19 km away from Zainabad.
      Nearest Bus Stand is Zainabad Dahina


      Zainabad has one engineering college, one degree collage, one senior secondary school, two primary schools and two secondary schools

      The Rao Birender Singh State Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rewari (RBSSIETR) is a public Engineering institution established by the Government of Haryana to promote technical education in the state.
      Shaheed Capt. D.K Khola Public School
      Shaheed Capt. D.K Kh ola degree college
      Govt Girls Sr. Sec. School
      Govt Girls primary school
      Modern Public School Zainabad


      Baba Udhodas Temple
      Hanuman Mandir
      Shivji Temple
      Sedh Mata Temple
      Holika Temple
      Santoshi mata Temple
      Baba Jharveer Goga Tample
      Baba Bhaiya Temple


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