Figure 3 from Retinoid X receptorCOUPTF interactions modulate
Diverse signaling pathways modulate lymphatic development To date a
Ang1 is directly regulated by COUPTFII to modulate angiogenesis A
A Comparison of COUPTF binding to COUP and HIV1 variant
PDF COUPTF interacting protein 1 CTIP1 is a sequencespecific DNA
Characterization of the COUPTF binding motif in the HGF promoter
PDF COUPTF upregulates NGFIA gene expression through an Sp1 binding
Diagram Where Does The Lymphatic System Run In The Leg Lymph
Potential model for COUPTFII function in tip and stalk cell
TF binding and inducible nucleosome remodeling at promoters and
1deoxysphingolipids bind to COUPTF to modulate lymphatic and cardiac
Transcriptional Control of Synaptic Remodeling through Regulated
Figure 3 from The nuclear hormone receptor CoupTFII is required for
Inducible inactivation of COUPTFII in adult mice with Tam treatment
Deoxysphingolipid synthesis mitigates anchorageindependent cell
Doxorubicin induced ROSdependent HIF1 activation mediates blockage of
JCI Oral lserine supplementation reduces production of neurotoxic
Biomolecules Free FullText The Dark Side of Sphingolipids
Abnormal 1deoxysphingolipid levels exert cytotoxic effects in HK2
Deoxysphingolipids Upregulate MMP1 Downregulate TIMP1 and Induce
Paclitaxel treatment increased the levels of 1deoxysphingolipids in
The molecular pathways involved in LEC differentiation from embryonic
Figure 3 from Localization of 1deoxysphingolipids to mitochondria
Figure 1 from Localization of 1deoxysphingolipids to mitochondria
PDF 1Deoxysphingolipids Encountered Exogenously and Made de Novo
Figure 1 from Cytotoxic 1deoxysphingolipids are metabolized by a
Neurotoxic 1deoxysphingolipids and paclitaxelinduced peripheral
Figure 2 from Localization of 1deoxysphingolipids to mitochondria
Associations between changes in plasma 1deoxysphingolipid levels from
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