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    1CP-LSD experience for a LSD user : r/LSD - Reddit

    Mar 11, 2021 · I have bought some 1CP-LSD, and I think it would be very beneficial to get some testimonies from you guys, about how different the potencies are compared to vanilla LSD. I have already taken 75µg, 110µg, 200µg and 300µg of "traditional" LSD as of writing this, and I don't really know what kind of equivalence there is between this and 1CP-LSD.

    1p vs 1cp : r/1P_LSD - Reddit

    Dec 16, 2020 · 1cP-LSD appeared on the online research chemical market as a new legal alternative to LSD when 1P-LSD was prohibited in Germany. So it was crucial for the chemists to make the effects as close to 1P-LSD as possible. All legal vendors buy their 1P and 1cP directly from the chemist that invented them - to ensure the quality is always consistent.

    1cp-AL-LAD? : r/LSD - Reddit

    May 15, 2024 · From AL-LAD on the other hand you can expect the most amazing visions, incredibly beautiful, but it's very much lacking in depth compared to LSD, 1cP-LSD and 1P-LSD. 1cP is maybe a little brighter than LSD but it's much closer and not sure if I could keep them apart in blind test, especially at +200ug.

    1p vs 1cp : r/1P_LSD - Reddit

    Jul 2, 2020 · Okay so i have taken 1p lsd a few times and it is by far my favorite. Ive only taken 4 aco dmt, 4 aco det, street lsd, and shrooms before. I ordered some blotters of 1cp lsd and am wondering how they compare to one another? Is there tracers? Are visuals the same? How is the come up and peak compared to 1p??

    1P-LSD or 1cP-LSD - Which is better? : r/researchchemicals

    Mar 29, 2022 · 1p is REALLY close to real LSD whereas 1cp feels more like a unique, less visual, stoney buzz - but still feels kinda like acid imo if that makes sense. It won’t take you mentally deep . I honestly can’t tell much difference between 1p and L other than some people don’t seem to metabolize it as well as others ie. get a weak trip

    Legalita analogů LSD v ČR (1cP-LSD) : r/czech - Reddit

    Feb 21, 2022 · 1cp-lsd je u nás stále legální, 1P-lsd zakázali myslím že minulý rok v létě. Rozhodně je to lepší než kupovat street papír, protože máš jistotu, že to bude fungovat s víš jak je to silné. Pocitově stejné. Navíc pokaždé když jsem kupoval jakože LSD od někoho tak to pokaždý byl nějaký analog. Rozhodně doporučuju.

    1cp vs 1p : r/1P_LSD - Reddit

    Apr 23, 2020 · Well for me, honestly, 1P was stronger than 1 CP. I never could close my eyes to sleep on acid: normal or 1p, but on 1cp was pretty simple. So that's a lot saying. Also when I did liquid pure lsd (my very first time doing acid) it was just pure blast fantasy with almost not mental heavy headpaace.

    LSD-25 vs. 1cP-LSD? : r/LSD - Reddit

    Jun 28, 2020 · Hi! I tried 1P, 1cP and also some 25 (dark, so I don't know it's purity). 1cP and 1P is great, as many RCs, because you can be more sure about the real dose. Street 25 use to lack any quality. In comparison, they're all pretty same. There is a research that says that many LSD derivatives, including 1cP and 1P are metabolised into 25 in body.

    1cP vs 1V? : r/1P_LSD - Reddit

    Apr 2, 2024 · It is a Pro-drug and people say 1P, 1cP and others are the same but some people have said that 1V is better than the rest of the pro-drugs, it have less thought loops, a quicker come up, and better experience overall.

    1cp Lsd vs Lsd : r/drogen - Reddit

    1cP-LSD ist eigentlich von der Wirkung her identisch zu normalem LSD. Vielleicht ist es ein wenig potenter. Starte am besten mit 100ug. Die von dir genannte Seite würde ich nicht weiterempfehlen. Hatte es dort schon öfter, dass die Lieferzeit lange war und ich ewig mit dem schlechten WhatsApp support schreiben musste.