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    Anchor Bible project, terdiri dari seri komentari, kamus Alkitab, dan perpustakaan referensiamus , adalah suatu upaya kerja-sama sarjana dan komersial yang dimulai pada tahun 1956, ketika jilid-jilid terpisah dariseri komentari Alkitab mulai diterbitkan. Diawali pada era baru kerjasama antar sarjana riset Alkitab, lebih dari 1.000 orang sarjana — mewakili tradisi Yahudi, Katolik, Ortodoks, Protestan, Islam, sekuler, dan lain-lain — telah berkontribusi pada projek ini. Karya-karya mereka menawarkan diskusi-diskusi yang mencerminkan sudut pandang luas dalam teologi. Anchor Bible project terus menerbitkan jilid-jilid yang aktual bagi para pembaca dari hasil analisis terbaru. Sampai tahun 2005, lebih dari 120 jilid (volume) telah diterbitkan, masing-masing disunting oleh David Noel Freedman, General Editor dan diterbitkan oleh Doubleday (bagian dari Random House, Inc.). Setelah Freeman meninggal pada tahun 2008, John J. Collins menjabat sebagai General Editor. Pada tahun 2007, Yale University Press membeli Anchor Bible Series. Yale sekarang menerbitkan judul-judul sebelumnya dan judul-judul baru sebagai Anchor Yale Bible Series.

    Anchor Bible Commentary Series

    "Anchor Bible Commentary Series" diciptakan dengan bimbingan William Foxwell Albright (1891–1971), meliputi terjemahan dan eksegesis Alkitab Ibrani, Perjanjian Baru dan Intertestamental Books (Deuterokanonika pada Gereja Katolik dan Gereja Ortodoks Timur/Apokrif pada Gereja Protestan; bukan buku-buku yang oleh Gereja Katolik dan Ortodoks disebut "Apocrypha," dan oleh Gereja Protestan disebut "Pseudepigrafa"). Untuk setiap kitab Alkitab, seri ini meliputi terjemahan asli (dengan anotasi, termasuk terjemahan alternatif) dari teks-teks kuno, menggunakan pengetahuan modern mengenai bahasa-bahasa kuno; ringkasan evolusi sejarah, kritik dan sastra teks tersebut, garis besar tema-tema dan topik utama; komentari ayat demi ayat; teori para sarjana yang bersaingan; latar belakang sejarah, serta foto-foto, ilustrasi, dan peta artifak maupun tempat-tempat yang berkaitan dengan tokoh dan tempat di Alkitab. Kitab-kitab yang panjang dan kompleks dibahas dalam lebih dari satu volume.
    Sampai tahun 2006, seri ini telah menerbitkan lebih dari 80 volume, sejumlah di antaranya merupakan perbaikan karya sebelumnya. Seri ini 99% lengkap; bagian kedua Kitab Keluaran telah diterbitkan pada permulaan bulan Desember 2006, dan sisanya sedang diproduksi. Jilid mengenai Kitab 2 Tawarikh dan Kitab Wahyu masih dalam pengerjaan.

    Anchor Bible Dictionary

    "Anchor Bible Dictionary" memuat lebih dari 6.000 entri dari 800 sarjana internasional. Dilengkapi dengan gambar dan line-art di seluruh buku, dan juga tersedia dalam bentuk download dari Logos Bible Software atau Accordance Bible Software.

    Anchor Bible Reference Library

    "Anchor Bible Reference Library" merupakan seri yang belum ditutup, terdiri dari 30 jilid terpisah dengan informasi mengenai antropologi, arkeologi, ekologi, geografi, sejarah, bahasa, sastra, filsafat, agama, teologi, dan lain-lain.

    Karya dalam Anchor Yale Bible commentary series

    Karya-karya dalam Anchor Yale Bible commentary series meliputi:

    = Tanakh ~ Perjanjian Lama ~ Alkitab Ibrani

    Speiser, E. A. (1964). Genesis. 1. ISBN 978-0-3001-4025-5. , Pages 454
    Hendel, Ronald S. (2013). Genesis. , (in production)
    Propp, William H. (1999). Exodus 1-18. 2. ISBN 978-0-3851-4804-7. , Pages 656
    Propp, William H. (2006). Exodus 19-40. 2a. ISBN 978-0-3001-3939-6. , Pages 865
    Milgrom, Jacob (1998). Leviticus 1-16. 3. ISBN 978-0-3001-3940-2. , Pages 185
    Milgrom, Jacob (2000). Leviticus 17-22. 3a. ISBN 978-0-3001-4056-9. , Pages 656
    Milgrom, Jacob (2001). Leviticus 23-27. 3b. ISBN 978-0-3855-0035-7. , Pages 720
    Levine, Baruch A. (1993). Numbers 1-20. 4. ISBN 978-0-3001-4077-4. , Pages 544
    Levine, Baruch A. (2000). Numbers 21-36. 4a. ISBN 978-0-3001-3942-6. , Pages 624
    Weinfeld, Moshe (1991). Deuteronomy 1-11. 5. ISBN 978-0-3851-7593-7. , Pages 480
    Weinfeld, Moshe. Deuteronomy 12-34. , (in production, expected to be two more volumes)
    Boling, Robert G.; Wright, G. Ernest (1982). Joshua. 6. ISBN 978-0-3850-0034-5. , Pages 608
    Dozeman, Thomas B. (2015). Joshua 1-12. 6b. ISBN 978-0-3001-4975-3. , Pages 600
    Boling, Robert G. (1974). Judges. 6a. ISBN 978-0-3850-1029-0. , Pages 376
    Sasson, Jack M. (2014). Judges 1-12. 6d. ISBN 978-0300190335. , Pages 592
    replaced Campbell Jr., Edward F. (1975). Ruth. 7. ISBN 978-0-3850-5316-7. , Pages 216
    Schipper, Jeremy (2016). Ruth. 7. ISBN 978-0-3001-9215-5. , Pages 240
    McCarter Jr., P. Kyle (1980). 1 Samuel. 8. ISBN 978-0-3850-6760-7. , Pages 504
    McCarter Jr., P. Kyle (1984). 2 Samuel. 9. ISBN 978-0-3850-6808-6. , Pages 576
    Cogan, Mordechai (2001). 1 Kings. 10. ISBN 978-0-3001-4053-8. , Pages 576
    Cogan, Mordechai; Tadmor, Hayim (1988). 2 Kings. 11. ISBN 978-0-3001-4074-3. , Pages 408
    replaced Myers, Jacob M. (1965). 1 Chronicles. 12. ISBN 978-0-3850-1259-1. , Pages 336
    Knoppers, Gary N. (2003). 1 Chronicles 1-9. 12. ISBN 978-0-3001-3952-5. , Pages 544
    Knoppers, Gary N. (2004). 1 Chronicles 10-29. 12a. ISBN 978-0-3001-3953-2. , Pages 608
    Myers, Jacob M. (1965). 2 Chronicles. 13. ISBN 978-0-3850-3757-0. , Pages 312
    Knoppers, Gary N. 2 Chronicles. , (in production)
    Myers, Jacob M. (1965). Ezra - Nehemiah. 14. ISBN 978-0-3850-4695-4. , Pages 360
    Eskenazi, Tamara Cohn. Ezra - Nehemiah. , (in production)
    Moore, Carey A. (1971). Esther. 7b. ISBN 978-0-3850-0472-5. , Pages 192
    Pope, Marvin H. (1965). Job. 15. ISBN 978-0-3001-4075-0. , Pages 507
    Dahood, Mitchell (1966). Psalms I 1–50. 16. ISBN 978-0-3850-2765-6. , Pages 384
    Dahood, Mitchell (1968). Psalms II 51–100. 17. ISBN 978-0-3850-3759-4. , Pages 432
    Dahood, Mitchell (1970). Psalms III 101–150. 17a. ISBN 978-0-3850-0607-1. , Pages 544
    replaced Scott, R. B. Y. (1965). Proverbs, Ecclesiastes. 18. ISBN 978-0385021777. , Pages 257
    Fox, Michael V. (2000). Proverbs 1-9. 18a. ISBN 978-0-3852-6437-2. , Pages 720
    Fox, Michael V. (2009). Proverbs 10-31. 18b. ISBN 978-0-3001-4209-9. , Pages 704
    Seow (1997). Ecclesiastes. 18c. ISBN 978-0-3001-3960-0. , Pages 448
    Pope, Marvin H. (1977). Song of Songs. 7c ?. ISBN 978-0-3850-0569-2. , Pages 768
    Blenkinsopp, Joseph (2000). Isaiah 1-39. 19. ISBN 978-0-3001-3961-7. , Pages 544
    Blenkinsopp, Joseph (2002). Isaiah 40-55. 19a. ISBN 978-0-3854-9717-6. , Pages 432
    Blenkinsopp, Joseph (2003). Isaiah 56-66. 19b. ISBN 978-0-3001-3962-4. , Pages 368
    McKenzie, John L. (1969). Second Isaiah (Isaiah 34-35,4-66). 20. ISBN 978-0-3001-4079-8. , Pages 304
    Bright, John (1965). Jeremiah. 21. ISBN 978-0-3850-0823-5. , Pages 524
    Lundbom, Jack R. (1999). Jeremiah 1-20. 21a. ISBN 978-0-3001-3963-1. , Pages 960
    Lundbom, Jack R. (2004). Jeremiah 21-36. 21b. ISBN 978-0-3001-3964-8. , Pages 672
    Lundbom, Jack R. (2004). Jeremiah 37-52. 21c. ISBN 978-0-3001-3965-5. , Pages 656
    Hillers, Delbert R. (1972). Lamentations. 7a. ISBN 978-0385007382. , Pages 168
    Hillers, Delbert R. (1992). Lamentations. 7c ? (edisi ke-2nd revised). ISBN 978-0-3001-3947-1. , Pages 175
    Greenberg, Moshe (1983). Ezekiel 1-20. 22. ISBN 978-0-3850-0954-6. , Pages 416
    Greenberg, Moshe (1997). Ezekiel 21-37. 22a. ISBN 978-0-3001-3967-9. , Pages 372
    Milgrom, Jacob. Ezekiel 38-48. , (in production)
    Hartman, Louis F.; DiLella, Alexander A. (1978). The Book of Daniel. 23. ISBN 978-0-3850-1322-2. , Pages 360
    Andersen, Francis I.; Freedman, David Noel (1980). Hosea. 24. ISBN 978-0-3850-0768-9. , Pages 720
    Crenshaw, James L. (1995). Joel. 24c. ISBN 978-0-3001-4076-7. , Pages 272
    Andersen, Francis I.; Freedman, David Noel (1989). Amos. 24a. ISBN 978-0-3001-4070-5. , Pages 1024
    Raabe, Paul (1996). Obadiah. 24d. ISBN 978-0-3001-3971-6. , Pages 336
    Sasson, Jack M. (1990). Jonah. 24b. ISBN 978-0-3852-3525-9. , Pages 384
    Andersen, Francis I.; Freedman, David Noel (2000). Micah. 24e. ISBN 978-0-3850-8402-4. , Pages 720
    Christensen, Duane L. (2009). Nahum. 24f. ISBN 978-0-3001-4479-6. , Pages 464
    Andersen, Francis I. (2001). Habakkuk. 25. ISBN 978-0-3001-3973-0. , Pages 416
    Berlin, Adele (1994). Zephaniah. 25a. ISBN 978-0-3001-4080-4. , Pages 192
    Meyers, Carol L.; Meyers, Eric M. (1987). Haggai and Zechariah 1-8. 25b. ISBN 978-0-3851-4482-7. , Pages 576
    Meyers, Carol L.; Meyers, Eric M. (1992). Zechariah 9-14. 25c. ISBN 978-0-3001-3976-1. , Pages 864
    Hill, Andrew E. (1998). Malachi. 25d. ISBN 978-0-3854-6892-3. , Pages 480

    = Perjanjian Baru

    Albright, W. F.; Mann, C. S. (1971). Matthew. 26. ISBN 978-0-3850-8658-5. , Pages 576
    Meier, John P. (1980). Matthew. , (in production)
    replaced Mann, C. S. (1986). Mark. 27. ISBN 978-0-3850-3253-7. , Pages 744
    Marcus, Joel (2000). Mark 1-8. 27. ISBN 978-0-3854-2349-6. , Pages 592
    Marcus, Joel (2009). Mark 8-16. 27a. ISBN 978-0-3001-4116-0. , Pages 672
    Fitzmyer, Joseph (1982). Luke 1-9. 28. ISBN 978-0385005159. , Pages 864
    Fitzmyer, Joseph (1985). Luke 10-24. 28a. ISBN 978-0385155427. , Pages 848
    Brown, Raymond E. (1966). John 1-12. 29. ISBN 978-0385015172. , Pages 544
    Brown, Raymond E. (1970). John 13-21. 29a. ISBN 978-0300140729. , Pages 688
    replaced Munck, Johannes (1967). Acts of the Apostles. 31. ISBN 978-0-3850-0914-0. , Pages 468
    Fitzmyer, Joseph (1998). Acts of the Apostles. 31. ISBN 978-0-3854-6880-0. , Pages 824
    Fitzmyer, Joseph (1993). Romans. 33. ISBN 978-0-3001-4078-1. , Pages 832
    replaced Orr, William F.; Walther, James Arthur (1976). 1 Corinthians. 32. ISBN 978-0-3850-2853-0. , Pages 408
    Fitzmyer, Joseph (2008). 1 Corinthians. 32. ISBN 978-0-3001-4044-6. , Pages 688
    Furnish, Victor P. (1984). 2 Corinthians. 32a. ISBN 978-0-3851-1199-7. , Pages 648
    Martyn, J. Louis (1997). Galatians. 33a. ISBN 978-0-3850-8838-1. , Pages 608
    Barth, Markus (1974). Ephesians 1-3. 34. ISBN 978-0-3001-4071-2. , Pages 464
    Barth, Markus (1974). Ephesians 4-6. 34a. ISBN 978-0-3850-8037-8. , Pages 849
    Reumann, J. (2008). Philippians. 33b. ISBN 978-0-3001-4045-3. , Pages 832
    Barth, Markus; Blankes, Helmut (1995). Colossians. 34b. ISBN 978-0-3851-1068-6. , Pages 552
    Malherbe, Abraham J. (2000). The Letters to the Thessalonians. 32b. ISBN 978-0-3851-8460-1. , Pages 640
    Johnson, Luke Timothy. The First and Second Letters to Timothy. 35a. ISBN 978-0-3001-3988-4. , Pages 512
    Quinn, Jerome D. (1990). The Letter to Titus. 35. ISBN 978-0-3001-4026-2. , Pages 384
    Fitzmyer, Joseph (2001). The Letter to Philemon. 34c. ISBN 978-0-3001-4055-2. , Pages 138
    replaced Buchanan, George Wesley (1972). To The Hebrews. 36. ISBN 978-0-3850-2995-7. , Pages 312
    Koester, Craig G. (2001). Hebrews. 36. ISBN 978-0-3854-6893-0. , Pages 640
    Reicke, Bo (1964). The Epistles of James, Peter, and Jude. 37. ISBN 978-0-3850-1374-1. , Pages 264
    Johnson, Luke Timothy (1995). The Letter of James. 37a. ISBN 978-0-3854-1360-2. , Pages 608
    Elliott, John H. (2001). 1 Peter. 37b. ISBN 978-0-3854-1363-3. , Pages 1200
    Neyrey, Jerome H. (1993). 2 Peter and Jude. 37b. ISBN 978-0-3854-1362-6. , Pages 300
    Brown, Raymond E. (1982). The Epistles of John. 30 ?. ISBN 978-0-3850-5686-1. , Pages 840
    Ford, J. Massyngberde (1975). Revelation. 38. ISBN 978-0-3850-0895-2. , Pages 528
    Koester, Craig G. (2014). Revelation. 38a. ISBN 978-0-3001-4488-8. , Pages 928

    = Intertestamental Books ~ Apocrypha

    Skehan, Patrick W. (1995). Wisdom of Ben Sira. 39. ISBN 978-0-3851-3517-7. , Pages 624
    Moore, Carey A. (1985). Judith. 40. ISBN 978-0-3851-4424-7. , Pages 288
    Moore, Carey A. (1996). Tobit. 40a. ISBN 978-0-3001-3996-9. , Pages 368
    Goldstein, Jonathan A. (1976). 1 Maccabees. 41. ISBN 978-0-3850-8533-5. , Pages 592
    Goldstein, Jonathan A. (1983). 2 Maccabees. 41a. ISBN 978-0-3850-4864-4. , Pages 592
    Myers, Jacob M. (1974). 1 and 2 Esdras. 42. ISBN 978-0-3850-0426-8. , Pages 352
    Winston, David (1979). The Wisdom of Solomon. 43. ISBN 978-0-3001-3999-0. , Pages 360
    Moore, Carey A. (1977). Daniel, Esther and Jeremiah: The Additions. 44. ISBN 978-0-3850-4702-9. , Pages 384

    Karya dalam Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library

    Karya-karya dalam Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library meliputi:

    Ackerman, Susan (1998). Warrior, Dancer, Seductress, Queen: Women in Judges and Biblical Israel. ISBN 0-385-48424-0.
    Blenkinsopp, Joseph (2000). Pentateuch: An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible. ISBN 0-385-49788-1.
    Baden, Joel S. (2012). The Composition of the Pentateuch: Renewing the Documentary Hypothesis. ISBN 978-0-300-15263-0.
    Brown, Raymond E. (1994). Death of the Messiah: From Gethsemane to the Grave (2 Vol. Boxed Set). ISBN 0-385-47177-7.
    Brown, Raymond E. (1997). An Introduction to the New Testament. ISBN 0-385-24767-2.
    Brown, Raymond E.; Soards, Marion L. (2016). An Introduction to the New Testament: The Abridged Edition. ISBN 978-0-300-17312-3.
    Brown, Raymond E. (1999). Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke (edisi ke-2nd). ISBN 0-385-49447-5.
    Brown, Raymond E. (2003). An Introduction to the Gospel of John. ISBN 0-385-50722-4.
    Charlesworth, James H. (1983). The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Vol. 1: Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments. ISBN 0-385-09630-5.
    Charlesworth, James H. (1985). The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Vol. 2: Expansions of the "Old Testament" and Legends, Wisdom and Philosophical Literature, Prayers, Psalms and Odes, Fragments of Lost Judeo-Hellenistic Works. ISBN 0-385-18813-7.
    Charlesworth, James H. (1988). Jesus Within Judaism. ISBN 0-385-23610-7.
    Charlesworth, James H. (1992). Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls. ISBN 0-385-24863-6.
    Charlesworth, James H. (2006). The Good and Evil Serpent: The Symbolism and Meaning of the Serpent in the Ancient World. ISBN 0-385-49696-6.
    Collins, John J. (1995). Scepter and the Star: The Messiahs of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Ancient Literature. ISBN 0-385-47457-1.
    Crenshaw, James L. (1998). Education in Ancient Israel: Across the Deadening Silence. ISBN 0-385-46891-1.
    Dungan, David Laird (1999). A History of the Synoptic Problem: The Canon, the Text, the Composition, and the Interpretation of the Gospels. ISBN 0-385-47192-0.
    Freedman, David Noel (2000). The Nine Commandments: Uncovering the Hidden Pattern of Crime and Punishment in the Hebrew Bible. ISBN 0-385-49986-8.
    Garrett, Susan R. (2008). No Ordinary Angel: Celestial Spirits and Christian Claims about Jesus. ISBN 978-0-300-14095-8.
    Gibson, Shimon (2004). The Cave of John the Baptist: The Stunning Archaeological Discovery That Has Redefined Christian History. ISBN 0-385-50347-4.
    Goldstein, Jonathan A. (2002). Peoples of an Almighty God: Competing Religions in the Ancient World. ISBN 0-385-42347-0.
    Hahn, Scott W. (2009). Kinship by Covenant: A Canonical Approach to the Fulfillment of God's Saving Promises. ISBN 978-0-300-14097-2.
    Hamori, Esther J. (2015). Women's Divination in Biblical Literature: Prophecy, Necromancy, and Other Arts of Knowledge. ISBN 978-0-300-17891-3.
    Johnson, Luke Timothy (2010). Among the Gentiles: Greco-Roman Religion and Christianity. ISBN 978-0-300-16810-5.
    Layton, Bentley (1995). The Gnostic Scriptures: A New Translation with Annotations and Introductions. ISBN 0-385-47843-7.
    Lim, Timothy H. (2013). The Formation of the Jewish Canon. ISBN 978-0-300-16434-3.
    Mazar, Amihai (1990). Archaeology of the Land of the Bible: Volume 1: 10,000-586 B.C.E. ISBN 0-385-23970-X.
    Meier, John P. (1991). A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Volume 1: The Roots of the Problem and the Person. ISBN 0-385-26425-9.
    Meier, John P. (1994). A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Volume 2: Mentor, Message, and Miracles. ISBN 0-385-46992-6.
    Meier, John P. (2001). A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Volume 3: Companions and Competitors. ISBN 0-385-46993-4.
    Meier, John P. (2009). A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Volume 4: Law and Love. ISBN 0-300-14096-7.
    Meier, John P. (2016). A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus: Volume 5: Probing the Authenticity of the Parables. ISBN 978-0-300-21190-0.
    Meyers, Eric M.; Chancey, Mark A. (2012). Archaeology of the Land of the Bible: Volume 3: Alexander to Constantine. ISBN 978-0-300-14179-5.
    Mobley, Gregory (2005). The Empty Men : the Heroic Tradition of Ancient Israel. ISBN 0-385-49851-9.
    Moss, Candida R. (2012). Ancient Christian Martyrdom: Diverse Practices, Theologies, and Traditions. ISBN 978-0-300-15465-8.
    Neusner, Jacob (1994). Introduction to Rabbinic Literature. ISBN 0-385-47093-2.
    Niditch, Susan (2015). The Responsive Self: Personal Religion in Biblical Literature of the Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods. ISBN 978-0-300-16636-1.
    Peckham, Brian (1993). History and Prophecy: The Development of Late Judean Literary Traditions. ISBN 0-385-42348-9.
    Schiffman, Lawrence H. (1995). Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls: The History of Judaism, the Background of Christianity, the Lost Library of Qumran. ISBN 0-8276-0530-7.
    Schniedewind, William M. (2013). A Social History of Hebrew: Its Origins Through the Rabbinic Period. ISBN 978-0-300-17668-1.
    Segal, Alan F. (2004). Life after Death: A History of the Afterlife in Western Religion. ISBN 0-385-42299-7.
    Smith, Mark S. (2016). Where the Gods Are: Spatial Dimensions of Anthropomorphism in the Biblical World. ISBN 978-0-300-20922-8.
    Sommer, Benjamin D. (2015). Revelation and Authority: Sinai in Jewish Scripture and Tradition. ISBN 978-0-300-15873-1.
    Stern, Ephraim (2001). Archaeology of the Land of the Bible: Volume 2: The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods (732-332 BCE). ISBN 0-385-42450-7.
    Wise, Michael Owen (2015). Language and Literacy in Roman Judaea: A Study of the Bar Kokhba Documents. ISBN 978-0-300-20453-7.

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The Anchor Yale Bible Series - Yale University Press

The Anchor Yale Bible Series, previously the Anchor Bible Series, is a renowned publishing program that for nearly 70 years has produced books devoted to the latest scholarship on the Bible and biblical topics.

Anchor Bible Series - Wikipedia

The Anchor Bible Series, which consists of a commentary series, a Bible dictionary, and a reference library, [1] is a scholarly and commercial co-venture which was begun in 1956, with the publication of individual volumes in the commentary series.

Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries - Theology and Religion Online

This prestigious commentary series represents the pinnacle of biblical scholarship. Draws from the wisdom and resources of Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from around the world. Includes a book-by-book translation and exegesis of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Apocrypha to make available all the significant historical ...

The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries (58 book series) Kindle …

The Anchor Bible offers new, book-by-book translations of the Old and New Testarnents and Apocrypha, with commentary. This volume on The Wisdom of Solomon as been prepared by David Winston, Professor of Hellenistic and Judaic Studies and Director of the Center for Judaic Studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California.

The Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library (55 book series) Kindle …

An iconoclastic study of the entire Hebrew Bible (Christianity's Old Testament) that argues provocatively that the Bible developed as a written tradition rather than an oral one, as commonly believed.

Anchor Yale Bible - Best Commentaries

The Anchor Yale Bible (AYB) is a project of international and interfaith scope in which Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from many countries contribute individual volumes. The project is not sponsored by any ecclesiastical organization and is not intended to reflect any particular theological doctrine.

The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries Series - Goodreads

The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries Series 91 primary works • 91 total works The Anchor Bible project, consisting of a commentary series, Bible dictionary, and reference library, is a scholarly and commercial co-venture begun in 1956, when individual volumes in the commentary series began production. Anchor Bible Commentary: Books

Genesis 1-11: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

Anchor Yale Bible Commentary | AYBC (94 vols.) - Logos Bible …

The Anchor Yale Bible Commentary series is a fresh approach to the world's greatest classic—the Bible. This prestigious commentary series represents the pinnacle of biblical scholarship, drawing from the wisdom and resources of Protestant, Catholic, …

The Anchor Yale Bible (88 vols.) - Logos Bible Study Platform

The Anchor Yale Bible is a fresh approach to the world’s greatest classic—the Bible. This prestigious commentary series of more than 80 volumes represents the pinnacle of biblical scholarship, drawing from the wisdom and resources of Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from around the world.