- Source: Apicius
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Artikel: Apicius GudangMovies21 Rebahinxxi
Apicius adalah sebuah koleksi resep masakan dari Kekaisaran Romawi, umumnya penyusunannya dianggap pada akhir abad ke-4 atau awal abad ke-5, dan ditulis dalam sebuah bahasa yang dalam banyak hal mendekati Bahasa Latin Umum daripada Bahasa Latin Klasik.
Nama "Apicius" telah lama dikaitkan dengan cinta akan makanan secara berlebihan, berasal dari kebiasaan penyandang awal nama tersebut, Marcus Gavius Apicius, seorang gourmet (terkait seni adiboga) dan pencinta kemewahan yang hidup di sekitar abad pertama Masehi, dalam masa pemerintahan Tiberius. Marcus Apicius terkadang dengan keliru dinyatakan sebagai sang penulis buku ini yang mana secara pseudopigrafik dikaitkan dengannya.
Apicius adalah sebuah naskah untuk digunakan di dapur. Dalam edisi-edisi cetak paling awal, tulisan ini sangat biasa diberikan judul penuh De re coquinaria ("Perihal Memasak") dan dikaitkan dengan seseorang yang tidak dikenal, yaitu Caelius Apicius, suatu penemuan berdasarkan fakta bahwa salah satu dari kedua naskah ini diawali dengan kata-kata "API CAE".
Naskah ini disusun dalam 10 bagian/buku, dengan sebuah pengaturan yang serupa dengan buku masak modern:
Epimeles — Pengurus Rumah Tangga yang Cermat
Sarcoptes — Alat Pencincang Daging
Cepuros — Tukang Kebun
Pandecter — Berbagai Bahan Makanan
Ospreon — Kacang-kacangan
Aeropetes — Burung
Polyteles — Penilai Makanan
Tetrapus — Hewan Berkaki Empat
Thalassa — Lautan
Halieus — Nelayan
Makanan yang dideskripsikan dalam buku ini berguna untuk merekonstruksi kebiasaan dan pola makan dunia kuno di sekitar Cekungan Mediterania. Tetapi resep-resep di dalamnya ditujukan bagi kelas-kelas sosial terkaya, dan beberapa mengandung apa yang merupakan bahan-bahan makanan yang eksotis pada masa itu (misalnya flamingo). Sebuah contoh resep dari Apicius (8.6.2–3) seperti berikut ini:
ALITER HAEDINAM SIVE AGNINAM EXCALDATAM: mittes in caccabum copadia. cepam, coriandrum minutatim succides, teres piper, ligusticum, cuminum, liquamen, oleum, vinum. coques, exinanies in patina, amulo obligas. [Aliter haedinam sive agninam excaldatam]
REBUSAN ANAK KAMBING ATAU DOMBA PANAS. Masukkan potongan daging ke dalam sebuah panci. Cincang halus sebuah bawang bombai dan ketumbar, tumbuk lada, lovage, jintan putih, saus ikan, minyak masakan, dan wine. Juru masak, pindahkan ke dalam sebuah panci leper, kentalkan dengan tepung gandum. Jika Anda menggunakan daging domba, Anda harus menambahkan isi adonan tersebut pada daging mentah, tapi jika menggunakan anak kambing, tambahkan adonan saat memasak.
Lihat pula
Du fait de cuisine
Forme of Cury
Le MĂ©nagier de Paris
Le Viandier
Liber de Coquina
Masakan abad pertengahan
= Naskah dan terjemahannya
=(Latin) Apicii decem libri qui dicuntur De re coquinaria ed. Mary Ella Milham. Leipzig: Teubner, 1969.
(Inggris)(Latin) The Roman Cookery Book: A Critical Translation of the Art of Cooking By Apicius for Use in the Study and the Kitchen. Trans. Barbara Flower and Elisabeth Rosenbaum. London: Harrap, 1958.
(Inggris)(Latin) Apicius: A Critical Edition with an Introduction and an English Translation. Ed. and trans. Christopher Grocock and Sally Grainger. Totnes:Prospect Books, 2006. ISBN 1-903018-13-7
(Prancis)(Latin) Apicius. L'art culinaire. Ed. and trans. Jacques André. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1974.
(Inggris) Apicius. Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome. Trans. Joseph Dommers Vehling. 1936.
(Inggris) The Roman Cookery of Apicius. Trans. John Edwards. Vancouver: Hartley & Marks, 1984.
(Belanda) Nicole van der Auwera & Ad Meskens, Apicius. De re coquinaria: De romeinse kookkunst. Trans. Nicole van der Auwera and Ad Meskens. Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België, Extranummer 63. Brussels, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 2001.
= Tambahan
=Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth (1972). "Apicius de re coquinaria and the Vita Heliogabali". In Straub, J., ed., Bonner Historia-Augusta-Colloquium 1970. Bonn, 1972. Pp. 5–18.
Bode, Matthias (1999). Apicius – Anmerkungen zum römischen Kochbuch. St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag.
Déry, Carol. "The Art of Apicius". In Walker, Harlan, ed. Cooks and Other People: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 1995. Totnes: Prospect Books. Pp. 111–17.
Grainger, Sally (2006). Cooking Apicius: Roman Recipes for Today. Totnes: Prospect Books.
Grainger, Sally (2007). "The Myth of Apicius". Gastronomica, 7(2): 71–77.
Mayo, H. (2008). "New York Academy of Medicine MS1 and the textual tradition of Apicius". In Coulson, F. T., & Grotans, A., eds., Classica et Beneventana: Essays Presented to Virginia Brown on the Occasion of her 65th Birthday. Turnhout: Brepols. Pp. 111–135.
Milham, Mary Ella (1950). A Glossarial Index to De re coquinaria of Apicius. Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin.
Pranala luar
= Naskah Latin
=Bibliotheca Augustana: De Re Coquinaria Libri Decem edisi Mary Ella Milham, disajikan dengan baik (Latin)
Text of the cookbook in Latin di The Latin Library
Karya Apicius di Project Gutenberg
Karya oleh/tentang Apicius di Internet Archive (pencarian dioptimalkan untuk situs non-Beta)
Another version of the Latin text (source not stated) Diarsipkan 2010-04-08 di Wayback Machine.
Vehling English translation
Diplomatic version of the Latin text, with parallel English translation and modern redaction of the recipes. Diarsipkan 2013-11-04 di Wayback Machine.
= Tambahan
=How to prepare a 5 courses ancient Roman banquet by Apicius Diarsipkan 2012-03-06 di Wayback Machine.
James Grout's Apicius, part of the Encyclopædia Romana
Partial re-translation from a German translation, adapted for modern cooking styles
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Apicius - Wikipedia
Apicius, also known as De re culinaria or De re coquinaria (On the Subject of Cooking), is a collection of Roman cookery recipes, which may have been compiled in the fifth century CE, [1] or earlier.
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Apicius: Cookery and Dining in …
19 Agu 2009 · Apicius may justly be called the world’s oldest cookery book; the very old Sanscrit book, Vasavarayeyam, unknown to us except by name, is said to be a tract on vegetarian cookery.
Marcus Gavius Apicius - Wikipedia
Marcus Gavius Apicius is believed to have been a Roman gourmet and lover of luxury, who lived sometime in the 1st century AD, during the reign of Tiberius. The Roman cookbook Apicius is often attributed to him, though it is impossible to prove the connection.
Marcus Gavius Apicius - World History Encyclopedia
10 Nov 2017 · Marcus Gavius Apicius, a wealthy and educated member of the Roman elite who lived during the reign of Emperor Tiberius (14-37 CE), is famous for his love of food and a cookbook titled De Re Coquinaria (The Art of Cooking).
Marcus Gavius Apicius | Gourmet Cooking, Roman Cuisine
Marcus Gavius Apicius (flourished 1st century ce) was a wealthy Roman merchant and epicure during the reign of Tiberius (14–37 ce), after whom was named one of the earliest cookbooks in recorded history.
Marcus Gavius Apicius: Top Gourmand of the Roman World
28 Nov 2015 · Marcus Gavius Apicius is one of those Roman names that have (almost) been lost to the ravages of time. The characteristic that has allowed Apicius to stick out from the rest of the crowd of obscure figures in Roman history is his extravagance when it came to food. In other words, Apicius was a gourmand (gourmet).
Who is Apicius? - Tastes Of History
18 Jun 2020 · Connoisseurs of Roman cuisine may be familiar with the recipes of 'Apicius'. Indeed, 'Apicius' was the inspiration for the Roman recipes in Tastes Of History's recent post 'Fast Food or Dinner Party', but just who was he [1]? Did he really write the first cookbook?
Apicius—Author Of Ancient Roman Cookbook - Early Church …
Apicius is famous for three things: living large gastronomically, committing suicide because he only had millions of dollars left to buy food and writing the first surviving European cookbook called in English On The Subject Of Cooking.
Apicius: Apicius, Marcus Gavius, Grainger, Sally, Grocock, …
06 Des 2006 · Apicius is the sole remaining cookery book from the days of the Roman Empire. Though there were many ancient Greek and Latin works concerning food, this collection of recipes is unique.
Apicius: Ancient Roman epitomized life of excess
16 Agu 2014 · Apicius was such an over-the-top foodie, even by the grand standards of the Roman Empire, that his name not only became synonymous with the culinary high life but, so scholars believe, also...