Baptisia GudangMovies21 Rebahinxxi LK21

      Baptisia, commonly referred to as wild indigo or false indigo, represents a diverse genus within the legume family, Fabaceae. These flowering herbaceous perennials exhibit an array of characteristics, including pea-like flowers, blooming in the spring that eventually mature into pods, occasionally displaying an inflated form. Renowned for their enduring presence and a spectrum of colours ranging from yellow, blue and white, Baptisia's captivate gardeners with their colourful stems, unique foliage, and exquisite flowers.
      Native to regions spanning from the East to the Midwest of North America, Baptisia species contribute to the natural beauty of various ecosystems. Their flowers, adorned with characteristic wing and keel petals, give rise to bean-like fruit. Typically, their leaves are trifoliate, divided into three segments, often accompanied by small stipules on the petiole, which aid in species identification.
      The name "Baptisia" finds its origins in the Greek word "bapto", meaning "to dye" alluding to certain species historically utilized for dye production. Similarly, the common name "False Indigo" highlights the plant's historical role as a substitute for true indigo (Indigofera) from the West Indies.
      The cultivation of Baptisia represents one of the earliest instances of agricultural subsidies in America, underscoring its historical significance in the agricultural landscape. The species most commonly found and used in cultivation is B. australis.


      Baptisia comprises the following species:

      Species names with uncertain taxonomic status

      The status of the following species is unresolved:

      Baptisia auriculata Sweet
      Baptisia lupinoides Burb.
      Baptisia retusa Raf.


      It isn't uncommon to see natural crossbreeding occur. In fact, interspecific hybrids are commonly found in nature. Over the past few decades, there has been a notable surge in interest regarding the collection of wild species and, more significantly, the breeding of hybrids. Organizations such as Chicagoland Grows and MT. Cuba Center's Trial Garden have directed their efforts towards introducing new varieties. The following hybrids have been described:

      Baptisia x bicolor
      Baptisia × bushii Small
      Baptisia x deamii
      Baptisia x microphylla
      Baptisia x serenae
      Baptisia x sulphurae
      Baptisia ×variicolor Kosnik, et al. (Baptisia australis × Baptisia sphaerocarpa)


      Baptisia can be naturally found in forested habitats, particularly along woodland borders, where they can reach heights of 3 to 4 feet. Renowned for their resilience, Baptisia species can endure high heats, drought periods, along with notable resistance to diseases. Optimal growth conditions include full sun exposure, though certain white-flowered varieties can endure partial shade. While they prefer deep, nutrient-rich soils, Baptisia varieties exhibit tolerance to poorer soil conditions.
      Baptisia's flowers are known to attract a diverse array of insects, including butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. Additionally this plant plays a crucial role as a larval host for several butterfly and moth species, such as the Orange Sulphur, Clouded Sulphur, Frosted Elfin, Eastern Tailed Blue, Hoary Edge, Wild Indigo Dusky Wing, and Jaguar Flower Moth. These relationships highlight the diverse ways in which Baptisia contributes to the broader ecological balance.

      Traditional uses

      Baptisia bracteata var. leucophaea, commonly known as cream wild indigo, has historically served various medicinal purposes. An ointment comprising seed powder mixed with buffalo fat was applied to the stomach to alleviate colic. Additionally, root tea was previously administered for conditions such as typhoid and scarlet fever. A tea, made from the leaves and stalks, was used to treat snake bites, as it has astringent and antiseptic properties, as well as to counteract mercurial salivation.
      Baptisia tinctoria, was commonly used by indigenous communities for its several medicinal purposes. A root tea was employed as both an emetic and purgative, while cold tea was utilized to alleviate vomiting. The Mohegans of southern New England used a poultice made from the root was applied to relieve toothaches and inflammation, and the root wash was used for cuts, wounds, bruises, and sprains. The tea was also applied topically to alleviate leg, arm, and stomach cramps and wounds, with additional claims of stimulating bile secretion. German studies have demonstrated that extracts from the plant stimulate the immune system, although caution is advised regarding large doses due to potential harm. During the early 19th century, the U.S. Pharmacopeia included wild indigo, as doctors experimented with extracts derived from the plant to treat typhoid fever. Experimental use of root tinctures and powders resulted in symptoms resembling those of the onset of typhoid, leading practitioners of homeopathy to anticipate potential cures for the disease.

      See also

      Indigofera—true indigo


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    Baptisia 16.99 - Cofer

    Baptisia 16.99 - Cofer's Home & Garden

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Baptisia | Plants

    Baptisia | Plants

    Baptisia (Baptisia, False Indigo, Wild Indigo) | North Carolina ...

    Baptisia (Baptisia, False Indigo, Wild Indigo) | North Carolina ...

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -



    Baptisia (Baptisia, False Indigo, Wild Indigo) | North Carolina ...

    Baptisia (Baptisia, False Indigo, Wild Indigo) | North Carolina ...

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Baptisias: Plant Care and Collection of Varieties -

    Search Results


    Daftar Isi

    Baptisia Plant Care - How To Grow And Care For False Indigo …

    Jun 28, 2021 · If you're looking for a striking perennial that needs minimum care to produce maximum results, take a good look at Baptisia plants. Find out how to grow and care for false indigo flowers in this article.

    How to Grow and Care for False Indigo (Wild Indigo) - The Spruce

    Jun 11, 2024 · False indigo (Baptisia australis) is prized for its stunning blue flowers. A long bloom season and resistance to pests make it a garden favorite.

    Baptisia (False or Wild Indigo) - Home & Garden Information Center

    Baptisias, also known as false or wild indigos (Baptisia spp.), are a group of large, long-lived perennials. They provide an extended season of interest from flowers and foliage. The botanical name Baptisia originates from the Greek word bapto, to dip or to dye.

    How to Plant and Grow Baptisia - Better Homes & Gardens

    Jun 1, 2024 · Commonly known as false indigo, baptisia is a rugged native prairie plant that features tall spires of colorful blooms along with attractive blue-green foliage. The flowers resemble those of peas or beans, which are in the same plant family.

    Grow and Care for Baptisia Plants (False Indigo) - Garden Design

    Mar 3, 2022 · Discover how to grow and care for baptisia plants, also known as false indigo, with our comprehensive guide. Perfect for adding vibrant colors and easy-care beauty to your garden. Photos

    Baptisia - Wikipedia

    Native to regions spanning from the East to the Midwest of North America, Baptisia species contribute to the natural beauty of various ecosystems. Their flowers, adorned with characteristic wing and keel petals, give rise to bean-like fruit.

    Baptisia australis - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden

    Baptisia australis, commonly called blue false indigo, is an upright perennial which typically grows 3-4' tall and occurs in rich woods, thickets and along streambanks from Pennsylvania south to North Carolina and Tennessee. It features purple, lupine-like flowers in erect racemes (to 12") atop flower spikes extending well above a foliage mound ...

    Baptisia - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox

    Wild indigo is a genus of about 20 species of erect, native, herbaceous perennials in the Fabaceae (bean) family native to the East to the Midwest of North America, The name is derived from the Greek baptisis, which means "to dye". Their native habitat is …

    15 Beautiful Varieties of Baptisia for Your Garden - Epic Gardening

    Apr 29, 2024 · If you are looking for a long-lived, flowering shrub that can tolerate a wide range of conditions, baptisia is a widely hybridized and beautiful option. In this article, gardening expert Melissa Strauss shares 15 of her favorite varieties.

    Baptisia / False Indigo - Bluestone Perennials

    Baptisia is exceptionally long-lived, so choose a good shrub-sized space and enjoy its carefree nature. Black seedpods appear after the flowers-attractive in dried arrangements. This perennial will take a year to establish - but is SO worth the wait! Shop our selection of Baptisia plants below.