Could not get unknown property ANDROIDSUPPORTV4VERSION for object
android Could not get unknown property okhttpVersion for object of
Could not get unknown property com for settings android of type org
How to fix could not get unknown property HelpDiscuss Gradle Forums
Could not get unknown property publishingversion for project
android Could not get unknown property localProperties for project
android Could not get unknown property destinationDir Stack Overflow
Android Could not get unknown property android for project shared
android build error Could not get unknown property android for
android Flutter Could not get unknown property keystoreProperties
android Could not get unknown property keystoreProperties for
Could not get unknown property premiumRepoUser for root project
Flutter Android Studio Error couldnt get unknown property
android Error occurred evaluating project app Could not get
Could not get unknown property flavorAware for object of type io
Could not get unknown property keystoreProperties Flutter YouTube
Could not get unknown property kotlinversion for object of type org
Could not get unknown property apkVariantData Issue 137 Tencent
Could not get unknown property applicationVariants for object of type
Could not get unknown property compileSdkVersion for project
projecttasksconfigureEach error AGP 82 HelpDiscuss Gradle Forums
Could not get unknown property ankoversion for object of type
Error33 0 Could not get unknown property versions for object of
ERROR Could not get unknown property libraryVariants for object of
Failed to notify project evaluation listener Issue 3587 software
After upgrading to 2144 Could not get unknown property
v2141 and RN 0710 Android Could not get unknown property
Error2 0 Could not get unknown property com for root project
Build error Could not get unknown property preDebugBuild for
Could not get unknown property versions for object of type com
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