dunstconfig GitHub Topics GitHub
GitHub sbmagardunstconfig Dunst notification service configuration
GitHub TianQiBuTianMyConfig
GitHub dunstprojectdunst Lightweight and customizable notification
add CHANGELOG Issue 35 dunstprojectdunst GitHub
Notifications appear as large boxes Issue 1031 dunstprojectdunst
Notifications are really big despite no conifg changes Issue 976
Font size is too low for the notification Issue 1007 dunstproject
GitHub deisshawesomeconfig
conkyconfig GitHub Topics GitHub
Transparency behind rounded corners Issue 1201 dunstproject
polybarconfig GitHub Topics GitHub
kittyconfig GitHub Topics GitHub
Set maximum notification height Issue 625 dunstprojectdunst GitHub
swayconfig GitHub Topics GitHub
signal to reload dunstrc Issue 63 dunstprojectdunst GitHub
Allow setting notification width in the rules Issue 1049 dunst
Post your riced dunst configs Issue 826 dunstprojectdunst GitHub
GitHub zenogearsmyawesomeconfig my awesome config
Dunst A Simple And Lightweight Notification Daemon Addys Blog
High CPU usage for updating notification timestamps Issue 1102
GitHub dnlrfbuenodnlrfbueno Config files for my GitHub profile
GitHub nwvhdunstppuccin Catppuccin themed Dunst The lightweight
GitHub umgbhalladotstow dotfiles managed with stow
GitHub kraanzudotfiles My dotfiles qtile nvim rofi
GitHub sajeduli3dotfile Polybardunstalacrittypicombspwmi3fish
GitHub xNaClydotfiles my linux config nvim i3 rofi i3blocks
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