Eaux profondes GudangMovies21 Rebahinxxi LK21

    Eaux profondes is a 1981 French thriller film directed by Michel Deville that stars Isabelle Huppert and Jean-Louis Trintignant. Based on the novel Deep Water by Patricia Highsmith, it tells the story of a man who regains his wife's affections by killing two of her lovers.


    On the island of Jersey, the perfumier Vic and his wife Mélanie are an ideal couple. Living in a grand house, they entertain often and mix with all the important people. Mélanie has however taken to provoking Vic at parties by flirting outrageously with other men, so Vic warns them off by saying that he was the murderer of a missing man.
    Mélanie then starts bringing random men home to drink and dance with her, until Vic eventually goes to bed alone in disgust. When she picks up Carlo, a hotel employee, and takes him to an exclusive party, Vic has had enough. After everybody has had a dip in the swimming pool, just Carlo is left and Vic drowns him. The verdict of the inquest is accidental death, though Mélanie claims at the hearing that it was murder by Vic. When soon after she brings home yet another lover, this time Vic researches the man, finding that he is a private investigator hired by Mélanie to keep an eye on him. When the man's cover is blown, he leaves fast.
    Vic then receives a visitor, a man named Cameron who sells perfumes in the USA, and Mélanie makes an immediate play for him. After she tells Vic one morning that she is leaving with Cameron, driving into town he sees the man and asks him into the car to discuss things. Going to an isolated spot, after bludgeoning Cameron to death and wrapping and trussing the body, he tips it off a high cliff into the sea. Investigating the unexplained disappearance of a man who had not paid his hotel bill, the police question Vic as the last person to see him and then close the file for lack of evidence. Mélanie now realises that he has killed two men to get closer to her and starts a reconciliation.


    Isabelle Huppert as Mélanie
    Jean-Louis Trintignant as Vic
    Sandrine Kljajic as their daughter Marion
    Éric Frey as Denis Miller
    Christian Benedetti as Carlo Canelli
    Bruce Myers as Cameron
    Bertrand Bonvoisin as Robert Carpentier
    Jean-Luc Moreau as Joël
    Robin Renucci as Ralph
    Philippe Clévenot as Henri Valette
    Martine Costes as La maman de Julie
    Évelyne Didi as Evelyn Cowan
    Jean-Michel Dupuis as Philip Cowan
    Bernard Freyd as Havermal
    Anne Head as La directrice
    Maurice Jacquemont as Docteur Franklin
    Sylvie Orcier as Jeanne Miller
    Pierre Vial as Le juge

    See also

    Deep Water (2022)
    List of Isabelle Huppert performances


    External links

    Eaux profondes at IMDb

Kata Kunci Pencarian:

Eaux profondes (1981) by Michel Deville

Eaux profondes (1981) by Michel Deville

EAUX PROFONDES - Belgian Movie Poster Store

EAUX PROFONDES - Belgian Movie Poster Store

Eaux profondes (1981)

Eaux profondes (1981)

Eaux profondes (1981)

Eaux profondes (1981)

Fashion, Please: Eaux Profondes

Fashion, Please: Eaux Profondes 'Deep Water'

Dans les eaux profondes (2015) - Plex

Dans les eaux profondes (2015) - Plex

Eaux profondes (aka Deep Water)

Eaux profondes (aka Deep Water)

Sensations eaux profondes

Sensations eaux profondes

Amazon.com: Eaux profondes [Blu-ray] : Movies & TV

Amazon.com: Eaux profondes [Blu-ray] : Movies & TV

Eaux profondes - Mce-editions

Eaux profondes - Mce-editions

Eaux Profondes - Film 2022 | Cinéhorizons

Eaux Profondes - Film 2022 | Cinéhorizons

Eaux profondes (1981)

Eaux profondes (1981)

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eaux profondes

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Eaux profondes - Wikipedia

Eaux profondes is a 1981 French thriller film directed by Michel Deville that stars Isabelle Huppert and Jean-Louis Trintignant. [1] Based on the novel Deep Water by Patricia Highsmith, it tells the story of a man who regains his wife's affections by killing two of her lovers.

Deep Water (1981) - IMDb

"Eaux Profondes" is based on a Patricia Highsmith novel, but to the book-illiterate it may look more like an unofficial remake of Claude Chabrol's "La Femme Infidele" (although the book came out in 1957 and Chabrol's film in 1969, making you rethink who influenced whom first).

Eaux profondes (film, 2022) — Wikipédia

Eaux profondes (Deep Water) est un thriller érotique américain réalisé par Adrian Lyne sorti en 2022. Il s'agit d'une adaptation cinématographique du roman du même nom de Patricia Highsmith. Ce film marque le retour d'Adrian Lyne à la réalisation d'un long métrage, après Infidèle sorti en 2002.

Eaux profondes : Michel Deville : Free Download, Borrow, and ...

Eaux profondes est un film français réalisé par Michel Deville et sorti en 1981. Il est adapté du roman du même nom de Patricia Highsmith. À Jersey, Mélanie (Isabelle Huppert) et Vic (Jean-Louis Trintignant) forment un couple particulier, même s'ils sont bien intégrés dans la …

Deep Water (2022) - IMDb

Deep Water: Directed by Adrian Lyne. With Ben Affleck, Ana de Armas, Tracy Letts, Grace Jenkins. A well-to-do husband who allows his wife to have affairs in order to avoid a divorce becomes a prime suspect in the disappearance of her lovers.

Bande-Annonce - Eaux Profondes (Deep Water) | Prime Video

On ne sait jamais ce qu'il se passe dans un couple une fois la porte fermée. Et on vous prévient, vous n'avez vraiment pas envie de savoir ce qu'il se passe ...

Eaux profondes (2022) - IMDb

Eaux profondes: Réalisé par Adrian Lyne. Avec Ben Affleck, Ana de Armas, Tracy Letts, Grace Jenkins. Un mari aisé, qui permet à sa femme d'avoir des aventures afin d'éviter le divorce, devient le principal suspect lors de la disparition de ses amants.

Eaux profondes (film, 1981) — Wikipédia

Eaux profondes est un film français réalisé par Michel Deville, sorti en 1981. Il est adapté du roman de même nom écrit par Patricia Highsmith.

Eaux profondes — Wikipédia

Eaux profondes (titre original : Deep Water) est un roman policier de l’autrice américaine Patricia Highsmith, publié en 1957. Ce thriller psychologique a été adapté au cinéma par Michel Deville sous le titre Eaux profondes en 1981 puis en 2021 par Adrian Lyne.

Eaux profondes - Wikiwand

Eaux profondes is a 1981 French thriller film directed by Michel Deville that stars Isabelle Huppert and Jean-Louis Trintignant. [1] Based on the novel Deep Water by Patricia Highsmith, it tells the story of a man who regains his wife's affections by killing two of her lovers.