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    Artikel Terkait "lake iroquois"

    History of the Lake - Lake Iroquois Association

    Lake Iroquois (formerly known as Hinesburg pond) is geologically a kettle pond located in a valley between Dow and Magee Hills on the east, and Mount Prichard on the west.

    Home - Lake Iroquois Association

    30 Apr 2024 · Nestled amid the rolling hills of mid-Chittenden County, Lake Iroquois is a 237-acre spring and tributary-fed body of water surrounded by the towns of Williston, Hinesburg, Richmond and St. George.

    Planning for Lake Protection - Lake Iroquois

    The Lake Iroquois Association conducts a number of programs and projects that enhance and protect the health of Lake Iroquois and the surrounding ecosystem. Current plans and efforts are described in the comprehensive Lak Irqouois Managment Plan 2020-2025 and the Lake Iroquois Patrick Brook Watershed Management Plan – 2024:

    Overview - Lake Iroquois Association

    Enjoying the Lake Welcome to Lake Iroquois! People enjoy the lake throughout the year. Swimming, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, fishing are some of the summer activities while in the winter when the lake freezes people will …

    Latest News - Lake Iroquois Association

    30 Apr 2024 · The Winooski Natrual Resource Conservation District, the Lake Iroquois Association, and the Lewis Creek Association have partnered to create a watershed action plan for Lake Iroquois and Patrick…

    Aquatic Vegetation of Lake Iroquois Chittenden County, …

    Lake Iroquois is located in Chittenden County, in the towns of Hinesburg, Richmond and Williston. The lake has a surface area of approximately 244 acres with a watershed area of 2198 acres.

    Greeters & Boat Wash - Lake Iroquois Association

    The Lake Iroquois Greeters check boats at the Lake Iroquois Public Boat Access to ensure invasive species (plant and animal) do not enter the lake. Their responsibilities include boat inspection and boat washing.

    Milfoil Control Efforts - Lake Iroquois

    Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) was first identified near the public fishing access in Lake Iroquois around 1990. Various efforts were made to control the infestation including hand pulling, use of weevils, and establishment of the LIA Greeter Program.

    Other Invasive Species - Lake Iroquois

    Check ou the full list and pictures of all the known invasive species in Lake Champlain. Of these, only Eurasian Watermilfoil has established an infestation in Lake Iroquois.

    Who We Are - Lake Iroquois Association

    The Lake Iroquois Association (LIA) was founded in 2007 to enhance the water quality of Lake Iroquois and to protect the health of the surrounding ecosystem. The LIA is an all volunteer membership organization, governed by an elected board of directors.