- List of geographic acronyms and initialisms
- List of acronyms: 0–9
- Acronym
- Lists of acronyms
- List of geographic portmanteaus
- List of computing and IT abbreviations
- List of acronyms: B
- List of acronyms: I
- List of geographic anagrams and anadromes
- List of acronyms: W
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List of geographic acronyms and initialisms GudangMovies21 Rebahinxxi LK21
This is a list of geographic acronyms and initialisms. That is, it's a list of the names of cities, towns, lakes, and other geographic places that are derived from acronyms. Acronyms are abbreviations formed by the initial letter or letters of the words that make up a multi-word term.
For the most part, the geographic names in this list were derived from three or more other names or words. Those derived from only two names are usually considered portmanteaus and can be found in the List of geographic portmanteaus. However, there are exceptions to this two/three rule in both lists, so it is more of a guideline than a hard-and-fast rule.
= Countries
=Pakistan — Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, (I for pronunciation), Sindh, and BaluchisTAN, the northern provinces of British India. The name also means Land of the Pure in Urdu and Persian.
= Provinces
=Malampa Province, Vanuatu — islands that make up the province: MALakula, AMbrym, PAama
Penama Province, Vanuatu — islands that make up the province: PENtecost, Ambae, MAewo
Tafea Province, Vanuatu — five islands that comprise the province: Tanna, Aneityum, Futuna, Erromango and Aniwa
= Other regions
=Banzare Coast, Wilkes Land, Antarctica — British–Australian–New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition
Benelux — BElgium NEtherlands LUXembourg
Calabarzon — the Southern Tagalog Mainland region of the Philippines, comprising five provinces: CAvite, LAguna, BAtangas, Rizal, and QueZON
LoVeSe — three island groups in northern Norway: LOfoten, VEsterålen, and SEnja, often used in relation to the political issue of oil extraction in the region. "LoVe" is also a common variation, referring to just Lofoten and Vesterålen.
Luzviminda — three island groups in the Philippines: LUZon, VIsayas, and MINDAnao
Mimaropa, Philippines — provinces comprising the Southwestern Tagalog Region: MIndoro (East and West), MArinduque, ROmblon and PAlawan
NEPA, a common nickname of NorthEastern PennsylvaniA
NOVA — NOrthern VirginiA
Shoshanguve, South Aftrica — SOtho, SHAngaan, NGUni and VEnda, the languages of the peoples relocated to this township
Soccsksargen, Philippines — administrative region: SOuth Cotabato, Cotabato City, North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, SARangani and GENeral Santos City
SOWEGA — SOuth WEst GeorgiA
TAG Corner — Tennessee Alabama Georgia
Populated places
= Cities and towns
=Places named after companies
Many of these places are former company towns.
Abanda, Alabama — Atlanta, Birmingham AND Atlantic Railroad
Alco, Louisiana — Alexandria Lumber COmpany
Alcoa, Tennessee — ALuminum COmpany of America
Alpoca, West Virginia — ALpha POCAhontas Coal Company: 43
Ameagle, West Virginia — AMerican EAGLE Colliery: 79
Asco, West Virginia — Atlantic Smokeless COal Company: 86
Atco, Georgia — American Textile COmpany
Atco, New Jersey — Atlantic Transport COmpany
Ballico, California — BALLIntine COmpany
Becco, West Virginia — Bufalo Eagle Colliery COmpany: 43
Cadomin, Alberta — CAnadian DOminion MINe
Calavo Gardens, California — CALifornia AVOcado Growers Association
Caldor, California — CALifornia DOoR Company
Calgro, California — CALifornia GROwers Wineries
Calpack, California — CALifornia PACKing Corporation
Calpet, Wyoming — CALifornia PETroleum Company
Calwa, California — CALifornia Wine Association
Canora, Saskatchewan — CAnadian NOrthern RAilway
Ceepeecee, British Columbia — either Canadian Packing Corporation or California Packing Corporation, or likely first Canadian, then California
Charmco, West Virginia — CHARleston Milling COmpany: 165
Cimic, Illinois — Chicago Illinois Midland Railroad, Illinois Central Railroad
Cipsco Park, Illinois — Central Illinois Public Service COmpany
Cleo, Oregon — A backwards acronym for Oregon Export Lumber Company
Clinchco, Virginia — for both CLINCHfield Railroad and CLINCHfield Coal COrporation
Closplint, Kentucky — CLOver SPLINT Coal Company
Cofoco, West Virginia — COal FOrk COal Company, now known as Coal, West Virginia: 43
Colwich, Kansas — COLorado and WICHita Railroad Company
Cominco, Saskatchewan — COnsolidated MINing and Smelting COmpany
Copco, California — California Oregon Power COmpany
Cumbo, West Virginia — CUMberland Valley Railroad, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Delanson, New York — DELaware ANd HudSON Railroad
Domex, Saskatchewan — DOMe EXploration, Ltd.
Elco, Illinois — E. Levenworth and COmpany General Store (from the abbreviation "E. L. Co" stenciled on boxes in front of the store)
Falco, Alabama — Florida–Alabama Land COmpany
Gamerco, New Mexico — Gallup AMERican COal Company
Gimco City, Indiana — General Insulation and Manufacturing COmpany (now part of Alexandria, Indiana)
Grenora, North Dakota — GREat NOrthern RAilway
Harco, Illinois — HARrisburg COlliery Coal Company
Herpoco, California — HERcules POwder COmpany
Ioco, Port Moody, British Columbia — Imperial Oil COrporation or COmpany (actual name: Imperial Oil, Ltd.)
Irmulco, California — IRvine and MUir Lumber COmpany
Kayjay, Kentucky — Kentucky–Jellico Coal Company
Kicco, Florida — Kissimmee Island Cattle COmpany
Kofa, Arizona — King OF Arizona Mine
Kyrock, Kentucky — KentuckY ROCK Asphalt Company
Labuco, Alabama — LAcey–BUek Iron COmpany
Lacjac, California — LAChman & JACobi
Latexo, Texas — LouisianA TEXas Orchard Company
Lobeco, South Carolina — LOng, BEllamy, and COmpany
Lorado, West Virginia — LORAin Coal and DOck Company : 57
Mercoal, Alberta — McLeod (E for pronunciation) River Hard COAL Company
Micco, West Virginia — Main Island Creek COal Company: 43
Mico, Texas — Medina Irrigation COmpany
Mococo, California — MOuntain COpper COmpany
Mokane, Missouri — MissOuri KANsas and Eastern Railway
Mopeco, California — MOhawk PEtroleum COmpany
Nacmine, Alberta — North America Collieries, Ltd. plus the word MINE
Naplate, Illinois — NAtional PLATE Glass Company
Nolalu, Ontario — NOrthern LAnd LUmber Company
Norco, California — NORth COrona Land Company
Norco, Louisiana — New Orleans Refinery COmpany
Norco, Saskatchewan — NORanda COmpany
Norpak, North Dakota — NORthern PACific Railroad (with a K replacing the C)
Nyando, New York — New York AND Ottawa Railway, former station on the line; now known as Rooseveltown
Ocapos, Arizona — A backwards acronym for SOuthern PAcific COmpany (i.e. Southern Pacific Railroad)
Ohaton, Alberta — Osler, HAmmond, and NanTON, Winnipeg financial firm
Orenco, Oregon — OREgon Nursery COmpany
Orseco, Oregon — ORegon SEcurities COmpany; name changed to Champion now historical
Parco, Wyoming — Producers And Refiners COrporation
Pennsuco, Florida — PENNsylvania SUgar COmpany
Phosmico, Florida — PHOSphate MIning COmpany
Praco, Alabama — PRAtt Consolidated Coal COmpany
Raco, Michigan — Richardson & Avery COmpany
Raeco, Washington — Rodes, Appel, and Earnest plus COmpany
Reco, Alberta — REliance COal Company
Sasco, Arizona — Southern Arizona Smelter COmpany
Saspamco, Texas — San Antonio Sewer Pipe (A for pronunciation) Manufacturing COmpany
Seco, Kentucky — South East COal Company
Sedco Hills, California — South Elsinore Development COmpany
Seroco, North Dakota — SEars ROebuck and COmpany
Siboco, Oregon — SIuslaw BOom COmpany
Sterco, Alberta — STERling COllieries
Stoil, California — STandard OIL Company (former location of a pumping station)
Sumica, Florida — Société Universelle des Mines, Industrie Commerce et Agriculture
Svit, Slovakia — Slovenské VIzkózové Továrne (English: "Slovak Viscose Works")
Talco, Texas — Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana Candy COmpany (seen on a box of candy)
Tapco, Arizona — The Arizona Power COmpany
Tapoco, North Carolina — TAllassee POwer COmpany
Tracoal, West Virginia — TRAce Fork COAL Company: 43
Tumco, California — The United Mines COmpany
Upalco, Utah — Utah Power And Light COmpany
Vancorum, Colorado — VANadium CORporation of AMerica, with a substitution of a U for the A
Vicco, Kentucky — Virginia Iron Coal and Coke COmpany
Weslaco, Texas — W. E. Stewart LAnd COmpany
Wevaco, West Virginia — WEst VirginiA COlliery Company: 670
Wiscoal, Kentucky — WISconsin COAL Company
Zimco, Alabama — ZImmerman Manufacturing COmpany
Places named after people
Aflex, Kentucky — A. F. LEckie (X instead of CK)
Aitch, Pennsylvania — Aumen, Isett, Trexler, Crexwell, and Harker, town founders
Alcolu, South Carolina — ALderman COldwell LUla; mill owner, friend, and eldest daughter, respectively
Almadane, Louisiana — three early settlers: AL Damereal, MAnn Huddleston, and DAN Knight + E for euphony
Anarene, Texas — ANnA LauRENE Graham, daughter of early pioneer J. M. Keen
Anco, Kentucky — ANderson COmbs, first postmaster
Arbyrd, Missouri — A. R. BYRD, landowner
Archerwill, Saskatchewan — councilors ARCHie Hamilton Campbell and ERvie Edvin Hanson, and secretary-treasurer WILLiam S. Pierce of Barrier Valley Rural Municipality
Arjay, Kentucky — R. J. Asher, coal operator
Armelgra, Alberta — ARthur MELville GRAce, engineer for the Canadian Pacific Railway
Arvida, Quebec — ARthur VIning DAvis, president of Aluminum Company of Canada: 68
Awe, Kentucky — Anthony Wayne Everman, first postmaster
Bahama, North Carolina — three leading families of the community: BAll, HArris, and MAngum
Balmorhea, Texas — BALcolm, MOrrow, RHEA, town founders
Benld, Illinois — BEN L. Dorsey, early settler
Bolada, Arizona — three family names: BOnes LAne DAndera
Bresaylor, Saskatchewan — three founding families: BREmner, SAYers, and TayLOR
Bromer, Indiana — early settlers: Boyd, Roll, Oldham, McCoy, Ellis, and Reid
Bucoda, Missouri — early settlers: BUchanan, COburn, and DAvis
Bucoda, Washington — investors in local industry: J. M. BUckley, Samuel COulter, John B. DAvid
Cabarton, Idaho — C. A. BARTON, official of the Boise Payette Lumber Company (a former company town of that company)
Cadams, Nebraska — C. ADAMS, local banker
Chaney, Oklahoma — six family names: Carey, Hull, Adams, Nichols, Edmonds, Yarnold
Charlo, Port Elizabeth, South Africa — CHARles LOvemore, landowner
Comrey, Alberta — names of six early settlers: Columbus Larson, Ole Roen, Mons Roen, R. Rolfson, J. J. Everson, Ed Yager
Dacono, Colorado — DAisy Baum, COra Van Vorhies and NOra Brooks
Delmar, Iowa — initials of six women on the first train to the new town: Della, Emma, Laura, Marie, Anna, and Rose.
Edmore, Michigan — EDwin MOoRE, the first settler of the village
Emida, Idaho — East, MIller, and DAwson, three early family names
Eram, Oklahoma — four children of Ed Oates: Eugene, Roderick, Anthony, and Marie
Ethanac, California — ETHAN A. Chase, landowner and political leader (town is now named Romoland, California)
Faloma, Oregon — Force Love Moore, three original land-owners, with added vowels
Fastrill, Texas — F. F. FArrington, P. H. STRause, and Will HILL, postmaster and two lumbermen
Gamoca, West Virginia — GAuley, MOley, and CAmpbell: 259
Gathon, Illinois — Gallager, Adams, Tremblay, and Herzog (ON added by the post office)
Geekabee Hill, Western Australia — George Kershaw Brown
Germfask Township, Michigan — town founders: John Grant, Matthew Edge, George Robinson, Thaddeus Mead, Dr. W. W. French, Ezekiel Ackley, Oscar (O.D.) Sheppard, and Hezekiah Knaggs
Golah, New York — coined by Rev H. W. Howard from five local family names (names unknown)
Hacoda, Alabama — HArt, COleman, DAvis, three local businessmen
Halbrite, Saskatchewan — three Canadian Pacific Railway engineers: HALl, BRuce, WhITE
Helechawa, Kentucky — HELEn CHAse WAlbridge, daughter of W. Delancy Walbridge, first president of Ohio and Kentucky Railroad
Hemaruka, Alberta — daughters of A. E. Warren, General Manager of Canadian National Railway: HElen, MArgaret, RUth and KAthleen
Hisega, South Dakota — six women who built a camp site and country club at the location: Helen Scroggs, Ida Anding, Sadie Robinson, Ethel Brink, Grace Wasson, and Ada Pike
Itmann, West Virginia — Isaac T. MANN, president of Pocahontas Consolidated Coal Company: 323
Jacam, Manitoba — J. A. CAMpbell, politician
Jayem, Kentucky — John Marshall Robsion, Sr., congressman
Jay Em, Wyoming — Jim Moore, cattle rancher
Jayenne, West Virginia — Johnson Newlon Camden, US senator
Jaype, Idaho — John P. Weyerhaeuser Jr., president of Potlatch Lumber Company
Jetson, Kentucky — J. E. Taylor and SON, co-owners of a local business
Kinnorwood, Illinois — H. L. KINney, George H. NORris, Robert P. WOODworth, land owners
Klej Grange, Maryland — Joseph William Drexel's four daughters: Katherine, Lucy, Elizabeth, and Josephine
Kragon, Kentucky — K. RAGON, founder and president of the Kentucky Wood Products Company
Lecoma, Missouri — three local merchants: LEnox, COmstock, and MArtin
Le Mars, Iowa — eight women from Cedar Rapids on a railroad excursion who were asked to name the town. Two of the letters, L and M, represent two women each: Lucy Ford and Laura Walker; Elizabeth Underhill or Ellen Cleghorn; Mary Weare and Martha Weare; Adeline Swain; Rebecca Smith; Sarah Reynolds.
Lookeba, Oklahoma — LOwe, KElly and BAker, town founders (with an extra O)
Mabana, Washington — MABel ANderson, daughter of an early settler, plus A for pronunciation
Mabscott, West Virginia — MABel SCOTT
Maleb, Alberta — initials of the Bowen family: Morley, Amy, Lorne, Elizabeth, Bowen; disagreement over whether these are the initials of the parents or the children
Maljamar, New Mexico — MALcolm, JAnet, MARgaret, children of William Mitchell, oil operator
Marenisco Township, Michigan — either MARy ENId SCOtt, or MAry RElief NIles SCOtt, the wife of Emmet H. Scott, a timber producer
Marietta, Ohio — MARIe AntoinETTe plus A
Marmarth, North Dakota — MARgaret MARTHa Fitch, very young granddaughter of A. J. Ealing, railroad president
Mesena, Georgia — coined by Dr. J. F. Hamilton, using the initial letters of the first names of his six daughters (names unknown)
Milo, Oklahoma — initials of four daughters of J. W. Johnson (names unknown)
Mohall, North Dakota — Martin O. HALL, founder and first postmaster
Mohrland, Utah — four investors in a coal mine: Mays, Orem, Heiner, and Rice plus LAND
Natal, Oregon — NAThAnieL C. Dale, local landowner and Columbia County clerk
Nemato, Port Alfred, South Africa — NElson MAndela TOwnship
Newport, Texas — initials of seven founding families: Norman, Ezell, Welch, Pruitt, Owsley, Reiger, and Turner
Neyami, Georgia — three subdevelopers: NEwton, YAncy, MIlner
Norvelt, Pennsylvania — EleaNOR RooseVELT
Pawn, Oregon — local residents who applied for a post office: Poole, Ackerley, Worthington, Nolen
Peedee, Kentucky — Pumphrey David Smith, landowner
Primghar, Iowa — initials of eight people who had a major part in platting the town: Pumphrey; Roberts; Inman; McCormack; Green; Hayes or Hays; Albright; Rereick or Renck
Renwer, Manitoba — A. E. WarREN and W. E. Roberts, railway officials
Reston, Virginia — Robert E. Simon, founder of Reston, plus TON
Safe, Missouri — possibly early settlers: Shinkle, Aufderheide, Fann, and Essman
Soda, Texas — initials of four names submitted to the post office (names unknown; now a ghost town)
Tako, Saskatchewan — homesteaders: Taylor, Aked, Krips, Olsen
Tamalco, Illinois — W. H. TAylor, John M(A)cLaren, Frank COlwell, prominent locals
Tejay, Kentucky — Thomas Jefferson Asher, landowner, founder, and judge
Texico, Illinois — TEXas, Illinois, Claybourn, Osborn, the latter two being local family names
Wahjamega, Michigan — William A. Heartt, James A. Montgomery, and Edgar George Avery
Wascott, Wisconsin — W. A. SCOTT, railroad company president
Walong, California — W. A. LONG, railroad official
Willows, Saskatchewan — WILliam Gibson LOWeS, owner of the first store
Wimauma, Florida — WIlma, MAUd, MAry, daughters of Captain C. H. Davis, first postmaster
Other places
Abac, Georgia — Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Alorton, Illinois — ALuminum ORe plus TON
Anzac, Alberta — Australia New Zealand Army Corps
Bacova, Virginia — BAth COunty VirginiA
Barford, Saskatchewan — BArrier River FORD
Biola, California — Bible Institute Of Los Angeles
Cal-Nev-Ari, Nevada — CALifornia, NEVada, ARIzona
Claycomo, Missouri — CLAY COunty, MissOuri
Covada, Washington — six nearby mines: Columbia, Orin, Verin, Ada, Dora, and Alice
Cudsaskwa Beach, Saskatchewan — CUDworth, SASKatchewan WAkaw
Denare Beach, Saskatchewan — DEpartment of NAtural REsources
Hico, Missouri — HIckory COunty (although Hico is in Dallas County)
Hocomo, Missouri — HOwell COunty MissOuri
Ilasco, Missouri — elements and ingredients of cement: Iron, Lime, Aluminum, Silica, Carbon, and Oxygen
Kenova, West Virginia — KENtucky, Ohio, VirginiA: 346
Kenora, Ontario — three predecessor communities: KEewatin, NOrman and RAt Portage
Lockridge, Oklahoma — Logan, Oklahoma, Canadian, and Kingfisher Counties plus RIDGE
Macy, Nebraska — (O)MAha AgenCY (location of Indian agency to the Maha or Omaha people)
Mandaree, North Dakota — MANdan, HiDAtsa and REE, the three tribes whose reservation the place is on. (Ree is another name for the Arikara)
Molanosa, Saskatchewan — MOntreal LAke, NOrthern SAskatchewan
Nalcrest, Florida — National Association of Letter Carriers plus REST, retirement community for postmen
Noida, Uttar Pradesh — New Okhla Industrial Development Authority
NOLA — A common nickname for New Orleans, LouisianA
Okarche, Oklahoma — OKlahoma ARapaho CHEyenne
Omphghent Township, Illinois — Our Mother of Perpetual Help + GHENT (city in Belgium)
Ovapa, West Virginia — Ohio, VirginiA, PennsylvaniA: 465
Pen Mar, Maryland - PENnsylvania and MARyland
Penowa, Pennsylvania — PENnsylvania, Ohio, West VirginiA: 141
Sharedon Park, South Africa — Self Help Association of REsidents plus DON, a neighbourhood somewhere in the Cape Town area
Texarkana, Texas/Arkansas — TEXas ARKansas LouisiANA
Ti, Oklahoma — a backwards acronym for Indian Territory
Usna, Oklahoma — United States North America
Usona, Alberta — United States Of North America
Usona, California — United States Of North America
Veyo, Utah — either Virtue, Enterprise, Youth, or Order or VErdure and YOuth
Viropa, West Virginia — VIRginia, Ohio, PennsylvaniA: 650
Walden, Ontario — WAters, Lively, DENison, three of the several communities that merged to form the town
Wamac, Illinois — WAshington, MArion, and Clinton Counties
Wyco, West Virginia — WYoming COunty
= Neighborhoods
=Many of these names were the result of neighborhood rebranding, first in New York, and then in other cities. The names were mostly coined in imitation of Soho in Manhattan.
New York
DoBro — DOwntown BROoklyn
Dumbo, Brooklyn — Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass
FiDi — FInancial DIstrict
NoHo, Manhattan — NOrth of HOuston Street
Nolita — NOrth of Little ITAly
NoMad, Manhattan — NOrth of MADison Square Park
Sobro — SOuth BROnx
SoHo, Manhattan — SOuth of HOuston Street
Tribeca — TRIangle BElow CAnal Street
Los Angeles
DTLA — DownTown Los Angeles
NoHo — NOrth HOllywood
SoLA — SOuth Los Angeles
WeHo — WEst HOllywood
Denver, Colorado
LoDo — LOwer DOwntown
LoHi — LOwer HIghland
RiNo — RIver NOrth Art District
SoBro — SOuth BROadway
Metropolitan and suburban areas
Camanava — the Northern Manila District of Metro Manila, Philippines; cities: CAloocan, MAlabon, NAvotas, VAlenzuela
Gerbangkertosusila — official acronym for the Surabaya Extended Metropolitan Area in East Java, Indonesia: GREsik BANGkalan MojoKERTO SUrabaya SIdoarjo LAmongan
Jabodetabek — the capital of Indonesia and suburbs: JAkarta, BOgor, DEpok, TAngerang and BEKasi
MM — Metro Manila, a metropolitan area and seat of government of the Philippines
Muntapat, Metro Manila, Philippines — three cities: MUNtinlupa, TAguig, PATeros
Muntiparlas, Metro Manila, Philippines — three cities: MUNTInlupa, PARañaque, LAS Piñas
Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa — SOuth WEstern TOwnships
In other cities
COB — City of Balanga, provincial capital of Bataan, Philippines
CSFP — City of San Fernando, Pampanga, provincial capital of Pampanga, Philippines
NoBo, Traverse City, Michigan — NOrth BOardman Lake District
NoDa, Charlotte, NC — NOrth DAvidson Street
NoMa, Washington, DC — NOrth of MAssachusetts Avenue
NoPa, San Francisco, California — NOrth of the PAnhandle
NuLu, Louisville, Kentucky — a portmanteau of "New" and "Louisville"
Lamasco, Evansville, Indiana — town founders: John and William LAw, James B. MAcCall, Lucius H. SCOtt
SoBe, Miami Beach, Florida — SOuth BEach
SoBo, Mumbai — SOuth BOmbay
Sobro, Nashville, Tennessee — SOuth of BROadway
SoDo, Seattle, Washington — originally SOuth of the DOme; now SOuth of DOwntown
SoHo, Hong Kong — SOuth of HOllywood Road
SoHo, London, Ontario — SOuth of HOrton Street
SoHo (Tampa), Florida — SOuth of HOward Avenue
Soho, West Midlands (Birmingham, England) — SOuth HOuse
SoMa, San Francisco, California — SOuth of MArket Street
SoMa, Vancouver, British Columbia — SOuth MAin
SoPi, Paris — SOuth of PIgalle
QC — Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Natural features
= Bodies of water
=Ayceecee Creek, British Columbia — Alpine Club of Canada (creek draining glaciers on Three Bears Mountain)
Lake Carasaljo — daughters of Joseph Brick, owner of local Bergen Iron Works: CARrie (A for pronunciation), SALly, and JOsephine: 322
Lake Chaweva — CHArleston, WEst VirginiA
Copco Lake, California — California Oregon Power COmpany
Emar Lake, Saskatchewan — Eldorado Mining And Refining
Lake Jacomo, Missouri — JAckson COunty, MissOuri
Owaa Lake, Saskatchewan — Outdoor Writers Association of America (to mark a meeting of that organization in June 1967)
Sareco Bay, Saskatchewan — SAskatchewan REsearch COuncil; contains Sareco Island
Snafu Lake, Yukon — Situation Normal, All Fucked Up: 69 (drained by Snafu Creek); there is also a Snafu Lake in Ontario and a Snafu Creek in Northwest Territories
Swenoda Lake and Swenoda Township, Swift County, Minnesota — SWEdish NOrwegian DAnish, nationalities of settlers in that region
Lake Taneycomo, Missouri — TANEY COunty, MissOuri
Tarfu Lake, Yukon — Things Are Really Fucked Up: 69 (fed and drained by Tarfu Creek)
Lake Wagejo, Michigan — WAlter Koelz, GEorge Stanley, JOhn Brumm, zoologists
= Topography
=Delmarva Peninsula — DELaware MARyland VirginiA
Fasp Mountain, British Columbia — First Aid Ski Patrol
Isar Mountain, Washington/British Columbia — Internation Search And Rescue
Multorpor Butte or Mountain — a mountain near Mount Hood: MULTnomah County, ORegon, PORtland
Tamu Massif — Texas A&M University; large undersea volcano in the western Pacific named by scientist after the school he taught at
Ubyssey Glacier, Mount Garibaldi, British Columbia — University of British Columbia
Veeocee Mountain, British Columbia — Varsity Outdoor Club of the University of British Columbia
Alwinsal — potash mine at Guernsey, Saskatchewan named after a French–German consortium that invested: 1) Mines Domanials de Potasse d'ALsace (French) 2) WINtersall AG (German) 3) SALzfuther AG (German)
Amdewanda No. 630 — school near Eston, Saskatchewan; first trustees: Clyde AMey, Sid DEan, Robert WAmsley plus NDA for alliteration
Barholis No. 746 — school near Glenbain, Saskatchewan; early settlers: BARnes, HOLmes and InnIS
Elanco (commonly used name for Eastern Lancaster County School District) — Eastern LANcaster COunty
6489 Golevka, asteroid named for three observatories that studied it for the Yarkovski effect — GOLdstone Observatory in California; EVpatoria Planetary Radar, Yevpatoria, Ukraine; KAshima Space Technology Center, located in Kashima, Ibaraki, Japan
Kemoca Park, Montmartre, Saskatchewan — KEndal, MOtmartre, and CAdiac; three communities the park serves
Mohonasen High School, Rotterdam, New York — MOHawk, ONOndaga, SENeca (with an A replacing the last O), three tribes that once lived in the Rotterdam area
Odhill railway station, Manitoba — O. D. HILL, K.C.
Rawebb railway station, Manitoba — RAlph WEBB, politician
Camp Shagabec, Saskatchewan — church campground for parishes at Shaunavon, Hazenmore, Assinaboia, Govenlock, Abbey, Bracken, Eastend, Consul-Cabri-Climax
Solanco School District, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania — SOuthern LANcaster COunty
Viento State Park, near Hood River, Oregon — Henry VIllard, William ENdicott, TOlman
See also
List of acronyms
List of airport codes
List of geographic portmanteaus
List of geographic anagrams and ananyms
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