mutacin II Semantic Scholar
Mutacin II compared with lacticin 481 The deduced bridging pattern of
PDF Mutacin H29B is identical to mutacin II JT8
Visual illustration of LpxAmutacin BNY266 docked cluster A Docked
Comparison of susceptibility to epidermin and mutacin IIIIII in
PDF Exploration of mutacin genes IIII and II in Streptococcus mutans
Evaluation of the promiscuity of the biosynthetic apparatus of mutacin
PDF Mutacin II a bactericidal antibiotic from Streptococcus mutans
Effects of H 2 O 2 mutacin I and mutacin IV on the growth of S
PDF Biochemical Structural Analysis of the Lantibiotic Mutacin II
EISMS analysis of purified P9A variant of mutacin II The molecular
MSMS of the C15A variant of mutacin II The doubly charged ion was
Genetic organization of the mutacin II biosynthetic gene cluster The
PDF Synthesis of a Novel Lantibiotic Using Mutacin II Biosynthesis
PDF Molecular Analysis on Streptococcous Mutans In Detecting the
Summary of the characteristics of mutacin gene clusters Download Table
MICs of mutacin III and the control Download Table
Multiple sequence alignment of mutacin H29B with homologous type AII
Primer extension analysis of the transcription of mutacin structural
Grouping of lantibioticor mutacinproducing strains according to the
Mutacin IV and its immunity protein A Genetic organization of nlmAB
PCR screening of S mutans strains using primers specific for known
Mutacin III biosynthesis genes The orientation of the genes and their
Restriction and Southern blot analysis of S mutans mutacinproduc ing
Comparison of some of the mutacin III gene products with other
Time course of mutA promoter expression and mutacin production The
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