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    PubChem adalah database molekul kimia dan aktivitasnya terhadap penelitian biologi. Sistem ini dipelihara oleh National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), suatu komponen pada National Library of Medicine, yang merupakan bagian dari National Institutes of Health (NIH) Amerika Serikat. PubChem dapat diakses secara gratis melalui suatu web user interface. Jutaan struktur senyawa dan dataset pemeriannya dapat didownload secara gratis melalui FTP. PubChem memuat pemerian bahan-bahan dan molekul kecil yang terbentuk kurang dari 1000 atom dan 1000 ikatan. Lebih dari 80 vendor database berkontribusi pada database PubChem yang terus bertumbuh.


    PubChem terdiri dari tiga database utama yang bertumbuh secara dinamis. Sampai 29 September 2014:

    Senyawa, 54 juta entri (meningkat dari 31 juta entri pada Jan 2011), memuat senyawa kimia murni dan terkarakterisasi.
    Bahan, 163,5 juta entri (meningkat dari 75 juta entri pada Jan 2011), juga memuat campuran, ekstrak, kompleks dan bahan-bahan belum terkarakterisasi.
    BioAssay, hasil-hasil bioaktivitas dari 6059 program high-throughput screening dengan beberapa juta nilai (meningkat dari 1644 pada Jan 2011).


    Pencarian dalam database dimungkinkan untuk rentang luas sifat-sifat termasuk struktur kimia, potongan nama, rumus kimia, berat molekul, XLogP, dan hitungan donor serta akseptor ikatan hidrogen.
    PubChem mempunyai penyunting molekul online sendiri dengan dukungan untuk SMILES/SMARTS dan InChI yang mengizinkan impor dan ekspor semua format berkas kimia umum untuk pencarian struktur dan fragmen.

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PubChem - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

PubChem. PubChem (Kim, 2016; Kim et al., 2016a; Wang et al., 2017) is a public chemical information resource, developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), an institute within the U.S. National institutes of Health (NIH).

PubChem: Integrated Platform of Small Molecules and Biological ...

Jan 1, 2008 · PubChem is an open repository for experimental data identifying the biological activities of small molecules. PubChem contents include more than: 1000 bioassays, 28 million bioassay test outcomes, 40 million substance contributed descriptions, and 19 million unique compound structures contributed from over 70 depositing organizations.

PubChem: Integrated Platform of Small Molecules and Biological ...

Jan 1, 2008 · PubChem is an open repository for experimental data identifying the biological activities of small molecules. PubChem contents include more than: 1000 bioassays, 28 million bioassay test outcomes, 40 million substance contributed descriptions, and 19 million unique compound structures contributed from over 70 depositing organizations.

PubChem as a public resource for drug discovery - ScienceDirect

Dec 1, 2010 · PubChem consists of three interconnected databases: Substance, BioAssay and Compound. The Substance database contains the descriptions of molecules (primarily small molecules) provided by depositors; the BioAssay database contains the screening results of substances by assay providers; and the Compound database contains unique chemical …

PubChem Protein, Gene, Pathway, and Taxonomy Data

Jun 15, 2022 · PubChem ( is a public chemical database at the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Visited by millions of users every month, it plays a role as a key chemical information resource for biomedical research communities.

Molecular fingerprint similarity search in virtual screening

Jan 1, 2015 · PubChem fingerprint [12]: this fingerprint, with 881 structural keys covers a wide range of different substructures and features. It is the fingerprint used by PubChem for similarity searching and neighboring. Other than PubChem’s own code, it is also implemented in ChemFP [13] (although deemed “experimental”) and in CDK [14], [15].

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Phytochemistry, pharmacology, and potential clinical applications …

Dec 5, 2021 · Phytochemical and pharmacological analyses of saffron have been revealed in recent studies. However, clinical studies have focused mainly on AD, depression and anxiety disorders. | Science, health and medical journals, full text ...

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Pharmacological Research | Journal | by Elsevier

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