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    Dalam Agama Yahudi, shechita (anglikanisasi: ; Ibrani: שחיטה; [ʃχiˈta]; juga ditransliterasikan menjadi shehitah, shechitah, shehita) adalah penjagalan mamalia dan unggas tertentu untuk dijadikan makanan sesuai dengan hukum kashrut.

    Sumber Alkitab

    Taurat (Ulangan 12:21) menyatakan bahwa domba dan sapi harus dijagal "sesuai dengan yang kuperintahkan kepadamu", namun dalam lima kitab Musa, terdapat sejumlah praktek shechita yang dideskripsikan.


    Bacaan tambahan

    Arluke, Arnold; Sax, Boria (1992). "Understanding Animal Protection and the Holocaust". Anthrozoös. 5 (1): 6–31. doi:10.2752/089279392787011638.
    The Jewish method of Slaughter Compared with Other Methods : from the Humanitarian, Hygienic, and Economic Points of View (1894) Author: Dembo, Isaak Aleksandrovich, 1847?-1906 (the date is incorrectly given as 1984, corrected here)
    Neville G. Gregory, T. Grandin: Animal Welfare and Meat Science Publisher: CABI; 1 edition 304 pp (December 1998)
    Pablo Lerner and Alfredo Mordechai Rabello The Prohibition of Ritual Slaughtering (Kosher Slaughtering and Halal) and Freedom of Religion of Minorities Journal of Law and Religion 2006
    Dorothee Brantz Stunning Bodies: Animal Slaughter, Judaism, and the Meaning of Humanity in Imperial Germany
    Robin Judd The Politics of Beef: Animal Advocacy and the Kosher Butchering Debates in Germany
    Appendix I in Meat and Meat Processing. Y. H. Hui; (CRC Press. Second Edition 2012) A Discussion of Stunned and Nonstunned Slaughter prepared by an International Group of Scientists and Religious Leaders: Dr Shuja Shali (Muslim Council of Britain), Dr Stuart Rosen (Imperial College, London, UK), Dr Joe M. Regenstein (Cornell University, USA) and Dr Eric Clay (Shared Journeys, USA). Reviewers: Dr Temple Grandin (Colorado State University, USA), Dr. Ari Zivotofsky (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) Dr Doni Zivotofsky (DVM, Israel), Rabbi David Sears (Author of Vision of Eden, Brooklyn, USA, Dr Muhammad Chaudry (Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America, Chicago) and Paul Hbhav, (Islamic Services of America) Google books
    David Fraser Anti-Shechita Prosecutions in the Anglo-American World, 1855-1913: "A major attack on Jewish freedoms"(North American Jewish Studies)

    Pranala luar

    The Cutting Edge: The debate over the regulation of ritual slaughter in the western world Jeremy A. Rovinsky
    Shechita at The Orthodox Union
    What's the Truth about Niqqur Acharonayim? by Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
    Laws of Judaism concerning food laws of ritual slaughter
    Shechita - The Jewish Religious Humane Method of Animal Slaughter for Food
    Shehitah: A photo essay Diarsipkan 2019-09-14 di Wayback Machine.
    From the Slaughterhouse to the Consumer. Transparency and Information in the Distribution of Halal and Kosher Meat. Dialrel project report. Authors: J. Lever, María Puig de la Bellacasa, M. Miele, Marc Higgin. University of Cardiff Cardiff, U.K.
    dialrel final report: Consumer and Consumption issues: Halal and Kosher Focus Groups Results Dr Florence Bergeaud-Blacker IREMAM (CNRS) & Université de la Méditerrainée, Aix-Marseille; Dr Adrian Evans, University of Cardiff; Dr Ari Zivotofsky, Bar-Ilan University
    Comparative Report of the Public Debates on Religious Slaughter in Germany, UK, France & Norway. DIALREL Encouraging Dialogue in Issues of Religious Slaughter. Comparative report: Lill M Vramo & Taina Bucher: SIFO (National Institute for Consumer Research); National Reports (in appendix): Florence Bergeaud-Blecker (French report) Adrian Evans (UK report) Taina Bucher, Lill M. Vramo & Ellen Esser (German report) Taina Bucher, Laura Terragni & Lill M. Vramo (Norwegian report) 01/03/2009
    S.D. Rosen Physiological Insights into Shechita The Veterinary Record (2004) 154, 759-765
    Should Animals be Stunned Before Slaughter? Raffi Berg BBC
    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, What Does "Glatt" Mean? on Arutz Sheva.

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Daftar Isi

Shechita - Wikipedia

In Judaism, shechita (anglicized: / ʃ ə x iː ˈ t ɑː /; Hebrew: שחיטה; ; also transliterated shehitah, shechitah, shehita) is ritual slaughtering of certain mammals and birds for food according to kashrut. One who practices this, a kosher butcher is called a shochet.

What Is Shechita? -

Shechita is the Jewish religious and humane method of slaughtering permitted animals and poultry for food. It is the only method of producing kosher meat and poultry allowed by Jewish law. It is a most humane method as explained below.

Jewish Ritual Slaughter - Shechitah

Shechitah is the Hebrew term for the ritual slaughtering of animals under the laws of kashrut.. Shechitah slaughtering strives to minimize the pain experienced by the animal before dying and must be done "with respect and compassion" for the animal by a trained and certified religious Jew called a shochet.. An extremely sharp knife - challef - is …

How Is Shechita Performed? -

Shechita is performed with a surgically sharp instrument (a chalaf), which must be perfectly smooth without the minutest notch or irregularity. The shochet constantly examines the instrument to ensure this standard is maintained.

Shechitah (Kosher Slaughter) - Halachipedia

Nov 29, 2023 · Shechita is the Jewish religious and humane method of slaughtering permitted animals and poultry for food. It is the only method of producing kosher meat and poultry allowed by Jewish law. It is a most humane method as explained below.

A Guide to Shechita

Shechita is the only method of animal slaughter permitted by Jewish law to enable Jews to eat meat and poultry. It is not a dispensable custom or an outdated rite or ceremony, but a divinely ordained Jewish teaching given to Moses on Mount Sinai. It remains applicable in the present day. Without shechita Jews would be forbidden to eat meat and

Why Do Jews Practice Shechita? -

Jewish law states that, if meat is to be eaten (Genesis IX: 3), Jews are required to dispatch an animal by shechita, a carefully prescribed humane method. It is the only method permitted by Jewish law and its practice causes no suffering to the animal.

Shechita: All About Kosher Ritual Slaughter - OU Kosher

The process of shechita (kosher ritual slaughter) by which an animal becomes fit for kosher consumers and how it has evolved in the age of mass production.

When Ritual Slaughter Isnt Kosher: An Examination of Shechita …

Kosher slaughter, or shechita as it is called in biblical Hebrew, is so humane that when performed as intended by Jewish law, the animals don’t even feel the cut before dying.

A Guide To Shechita

Shechita is the Jewish religious, humane method of slaughtering permitted animals and poultry for food. It is mandated in the Torah – the source of all Jewish Law.