
    Toba GudangMovies21 Rebahinxxi LK21

    Toba dapat mengacu pada beberapa hal berikut:


    Batak Toba
    Bahasa Batak Toba
    Surat Batak Toba
    Tano Toba


    Danau Toba, danau vulkanik yang dikelilingi oleh Kabupaten Samosir, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, Kabupaten Toba, Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan, Kabupaten Simalungun, Kabupaten Dairi, dan Kabupaten Karo.
    Gunung Toba, gunung berapi supervulkan purba yang terletak di wilayah Danau Toba.


    = Kabupaten/kota

    Kabupaten Toba, salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.
    Toba, Mie, salah satu kota di Prefektur Mie, Jepang.

    = Kecamatan

    Toba, Sanggau, salah satu kecamatan di Sanggau, Kalimantan Barat.

    = Desa/kelurahan

    Banjar Toba, Berampu, salah satu desa di kecamatan Berampu, Dairi.
    Muara Toba, Ratolindo, salah satu desa di Kecamatan Ratolindo, Tojo Una-Una.
    Sabulira Toba, Ratolindo, salah satu desa diKecamatan Ratolindo, Tojo Una-Una.
    Salaon Toba, Ronggur Nihuta, salah satu desa di Kecamatan Ronggur Nihuta, Samosir.
    Sampur Toba, Harian, salah satu desa di Kecamatan Harian, Samosir.
    Toba, Sekampung Udik, salah satu desa di Kecamatan Sekampung Udik, Lampung Timur.
    Toba, Siantar Selatan, salah satu kelurahan di Kecamatan Siantar Selatan, Kota Pematangsiantar.

    Kereta api

    KAIS Kaldera Toba, merupakan prasarana Kereta inspeksi milik Ditjen Perkeretaapian di Divisi Regional I Sumatera Utara dan Aceh.
    Stasiun Toba, merupakan stasiun kereta api yang terletak di Kota Toba, Prefektur Mie, Jepang.
    Toba Ekspres, merupakan layanan kereta api penumpang kelas eksekutif & luxury yang melayani rute Surabaya Pasarturi - Gambir dan sebaliknya.


    Kaisar Toba, merupakan Kaisar Jepang ke-74.
    Kaisar Go-Toba, merupakan Kaisar Jepang ke-82.
    Toba Toshimasa, merupakan sepak bola Jepang.
    Toba Kaito, merupakan pembalap motor Jepang.
    Toba Pulp Lestari, merupakan pabrik penggilingan kertas yang terletak di Parmaksian, Toba, Sumatera Utara.
    Toba Dreams, merupakan film indonesia yang beradaptasi oleh novel yang diproduksi oleh TB. Silalahi Center, penulis dan sutradara film oleh Benni Setiawan.

Kata Kunci Pencarian: toba

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Youngest Toba eruption - Wikipedia

The Toba eruption (also called the Toba supereruption and the Youngest Toba eruption) was a supervolcanic eruption that occurred about 74,000 years ago, during the Late Pleistocene, [2] …

TOBA | Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association

Join owners and breeders at all levels from around the globe who want to improve the environment for Thoroughbred ownership and build our magnificent sport. Sorry, your browser …

When Humans Nearly Vanished: The Catastrophic Explosion of the Toba ...

Some 73,000 years ago, the huge dome of Mount Toba, in today's Sumatra, Indonesia, began to rumble. A deep vibration shook the entire island. Jets of steam and ash emanated from the …

Mount Toba | Eruption, Volcano, Activity, & Map | Britannica

Mount Toba, ancient volcano located in the Barisan Mountains, north-central Sumatra, Indonesia. A massive eruption sometime between 71,000 and 74,000 years ago expelled an estimated …

How the Largest Volcanic Eruption in Human History Changed …

Jan 24, 2025 · In short, Toba was the biggest eruption since modern humans appeared on earth, and it came very close to wiping out people, along with many other animals, altogether.

How Indonesia’s Toba Volcano Changed Human Evolution

Apr 29, 2024 · Because the hidden history encoded in our DNA pointed to the near-extinction event for Homo sapiens occurring 50,000–100,000 years ago, Toba was the most obvious …

Geo Explainer: Toba supervolcano, the biggest eruption

Apr 9, 2024 · Deep within the Indonesian island of Sumatra lies a sleeping giant: the Toba supervolcano. It is responsible for the largest known explosive eruption in human history, …

Toba | Volcano World | Oregon State University

Aug 27, 2011 · Toba caldera produced the largest eruption in the last 2 million years. The caldera is 18 x 60 miles (30 by 100 km) and has a total relief of 5,100 feet (1700 m). The caldera …

Lake Toba - Wikipedia

Lake Toba (Indonesian: Danau Toba, Toba Batak: ᯖᯀᯬ ᯖᯬᯅ; romanized: Tao Toba) is a large natural lake in North Sumatra, Indonesia, occupying the caldera of the Toba supervolcano.

Ancient Humans Weathered the Toba Supervolcano Just Fine

Mar 14, 2018 · The event was so extreme that some researchers believe that it reduced the global human population to just a few thousand survivors, a hypothesis called the “Toba catastrophe …