- Source: Confederation of Finnish Industries
The Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK, Finnish: Elinkeinoelämän Keskusliitto, Swedish: Finlands Näringsliv) is the largest employers' association in Finland. It was formed at the beginning of 2005 when the two employers' associations Palvelutyönantajat (Employers of the Service Sector) and Teollisuuden ja Työnantajain Keskusliitto (Union of Industries and Employers) merged. EK's member companies collectively contribute over 70% of Finland's GDP, and over 95% of Finland's exports. It has considerable negotiating power, since Finland has universal validity of collective labour agreements, and often a national income policy agreement is reached.
EK focuses its activity on the following goals:
A business environment which stimulates growth and success for companies
Securing the competitiveness of Finnish work
Ways to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation
Economic policies promoting competitiveness
Efficient member services
The organisation consists of:
43 branch associations
About 15,000 member companies, 96% of which are small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
About 900,000 employees
See also
Finnfacts, Finnish media organisation
External links
The Confederation of Finnish Industries Official site