- Source: Critical edition of the Vulgate
- Kodeks Amiatinus
- Tanakh
- Kitab Henokh
- 2 Esdras
- Codex Alexandrinus
- Comma Johanneum
- Alkitab bahasa Inggris
- Critical edition of the Vulgate
- Benedictine Vulgate
- Vulgate
- Stuttgart Vulgate
- Nova Vulgata
- Oxford Vulgate
- Vulgate (disambiguation)
- Codex Amiatinus
- Pontifical Abbey of St Jerome-in-the-City
- Early translations of the New Testament
May refer to the following critical editions of the Vulgate text:
Oxford Vulgate, a critical edition of the Vulgate New Testament
Benedictine Vulgate, a critical edition of the Vulgate Old Testament, Catholic deuterocanonicals included
Stuttgart Vulgate, a critical edition of the Vulgate Old and New Testaments