- Source: European Economic Association
- Asosiasi Ekonomi Eropa
- Budaya ekonomi
- Kleptokrasi
- Uni Eropa
- Asosiasi Perdagangan Bebas Eropa
- Kiri dan kanan (politik)
- Sistem Perdagangan Emisi Uni Eropa
- Wilayah Ekonomi Eropa
- Amerika Serikat
- Kawasan Schengen
- European Economic Association
- Journal of the European Economic Association
- European Economic Community
- European Economic Area
- American Economic Association
- European Union Association Agreement
- European Free Trade Association
- Immigration
- Jacques Drèze
The European Economic Association (EEA) is a professional academic body which links European economists. It was founded in the mid-1980s. Its first annual congress was in 1986 in Vienna and its first president was Jacques Drèze. The current president is Maristella Botticini. The Association currently has around 4000 members. Its objectives are:
". . . to contribute to the development and application of economics as a science in Europe; to improve communication and exchange between teachers, researchers and students in economics in the different European countries; and to develop and sponsor co-operation between teaching institutions of university level and research institutions in Europe "
It publishes the Journal of the European Economic Association. In August of each year the Association, in collaboration with the Econometric Society organises a congress in a European city. The congress attracts around 1500 participants.
External links
Official website