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Artikel: James Hogg
Baca di Wikipedia
James Hogg (1770 – 21 November 1835) adalah seorang penyair, jurnalis, dan novelis Skotlandia berkebangsaan Inggris.
Beberapa puisi karyanya antara lain:
A Boy's Song
Blessed Be Thy Name Forever
Donald MacGillavry
Elegy on the Death of a Child
The Father's Lament
The Skylark
Queen Hynde
Sedangkan beberapa novel karyanya antara lain:
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
The Three Perils of Man: or War, Women and Witchcraft
The Three Perils of Woman: or Love, Leasing and Jealousy
The Brownie of Bodsbeck
The Shepherd’s Calendar
Tales of the Wars of Montrose