- Source: Pseudo-Justin
- Thallus (sejarawan)
- Yustinus Martir
- Geometri
- Filsafat Kristen
- Aleksander Agung
- Dialog dengan Trypho
- Sakramen Ekaristi (Gereja Katolik)
- Paus Benediktus XVI
- Kanon Alkitab
- Konstantinus Agung
- Pseudo-Justin
- Exhortation to the Greeks
- Oratio ad Graecos (Pseudo-Justin)
- Thallus (historian)
- Cumaean Sibyl
- Pseudo-Orpheus
- Anno Mundi
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
- Universal resurrection
- Justin Martyr
Pseudo-Justin is the designation used by scholars for the anonymous author of any work falsely attributed to Justin Martyr, such as the following:
Exhortation to the Greeks
Oratio ad Graecos
Answers to the Orthodox Faithful Concerning Some Necessary Questions (Quaestiones et responsiones ad orthodoxos)
De resurrectione, possibly written by Athenagoras of Athens or Hippolytus of Rome
Expositio rectae fidei, possibly written by Theodoret of Cyrrhus
De monarchia, which contains a poem by Pseudo-Orpheus