Jean-Baptiste Nicolas
Robert Schuman (29 Juni 1886 - 4 September 1963) adalah perdana menteri Prancis periode 1947-1948. Presiden Parlemen Eropa periode 1958-1960.
Pranala luar
Schuman Project, biographical information plus analysis of
Schuman's work initiating a supranational European Community, why it is a major political innovation, and its comparison with classical federalism. Site includes some of
Schuman's key speeches announcing the innovation in 1949–50.
Robert Schuman
The Katholische Akademie Trier Diarsipkan 2004-09-27 di Wayback Machine. is vested in the
Robert Schuman-Haus (Jerman)
Schuman Declaration (9 May 1950) (Inggris) (Jerman) (Spanyol) (Prancis)
Video of the
Schuman Declaration of the creation of the ECSC – European Navigator
1949 letter Diarsipkan 2007-09-30 di Wayback Machine. from the UK Foreign minister Ernest Bevin to
Robert Schuman, urging a reconsideration of the industrial dismantling policy in Germany.
(Prancis) Fondation
Robert Schuman