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      meaning - Difference between "valued" and "valuable" - English …

      Nov 29, 2015 · Typical uses of valued are: The item was valued at $5000 … which means that it was judged to be worth $5000. He was a valued member of the team … which means that he was a useful member whose value to the team is appreciated by others. Typical uses of valuable are: It was a valuable item, being valued at $5000.

      "Put/value above" vs. "put/value over" - English Language

      Mar 7, 2013 · Either can be used. Your choice should be guided by a subtle sensitivity to the connotations of the verb. Hence, I would use "above" with a verb such as "put" or "place" (these have some implication of a physical location), and "over" with a verb such as "value" (which suggests comparative quality or import

      Is it correct to say "I kindly request you to..."?

      Dec 31, 2012 · This is a different and fairly widely-used usage, as tchrist says in his answer. Indeed, in 'would you kindly just give up your seat for my great-grandmother', kindly and just are two of the hedging devices (pragmatic markers subset politeness) (the third device is the would you construction) (and the fourth, the winning smile).

      Is it appropriate to use the salutation "Dear All" in a work email?

      I have observed that in my work place, whenever a mail is sent to more than one person( like an information, meeting request or a notice etc.), the mail starts with the salutation "Dear All". This,

      If "in-" forms antonyms, why is "invaluable" not the opposite of ...

      Feb 22, 2023 · Valuable and invaluable are not antonyms, but the prefix in-still means not.M-W explains:. Valuable and invaluable do mean similar things, but the in-in invaluable isn't playing any tricks.

      "At hand" vs "on hand" vs "in hand" - English Language & Usage …

      Jan 17, 2012 · I tried to break down the usage of these three (four if you count "to hand"), hopefully I'm right about it, at least in part :) So here are my thoughts:

      word choice - Why is “resolved” used ahead of a question in a …

      Jan 13, 2011 · In Lincoln-Douglas debate, when a person says something like “Resolved: When in conflict, an individual's freedom of speech should be valued above a community's moral standards,” it means that’s the topic that will be debated.

      hyphenation - Hyphen: “well defined” vs. “well-defined” - English ...

      Sep 17, 2017 · Traditional English grammar teaches us that a well-defined function is a function that is well defined. With the hyphen in the adjective role before the noun and without the hyphen in the role of an

      Die hard or die heart? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

      Jan 20, 2014 · One who is ridiculously overwhelmingly passionate about a specific thing, person, place, verb, or adverb. One willing to die for said cause, and as a result their heart would stop beating. She was a dieheart about the consumption of breakfast cereals. Thus meaning that she valued the consumption of breakfast cereals with great integrity.

      What does "run of house" mean with regard to hotel room type

      Jun 21, 2011 · If the hotel has a deluxe room or a suite available, you "could" get a nicer room than you would have if you had requested a specific type of accommodation, but you could be booked into a lesser valued room. It all depends on the hotel and how the hotel handles Run of …