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This list is a legal bibliography.
A book can be included on this list only if it meets these criteria:
(1) The book is already in an existing legal bibliography that is a reliable source.
(2) Although the book is not in such a bibliography, at least one reliable source says the book is suitable for inclusion in such a bibliography.
In other words, this bibliography includes books that only reliable, authoritative sources have said must, should be, or could be in a reliable legal bibliography.
A Bibliographical Guide to the Law of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man: 70
A First Book of English Law: 180
A Legal Bibliography of the British Commonwealth of Nations: 158
Archbold Criminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice: 67
Atiyah's Accidents, Compensation and the Law: 33
Austin, The Province of Jurisprudence Determined: 80
Bacon's Abridgement: 85
Bailey's Law of Wills: 118
Beaumanoir, Coutumes de Beauvaisis: 103
Black Book of the Admiralty: 52
Black's Law Dictionary: 287
Blackstone, A Discourse on the Study of the Law: 30
Blackstone, An Analysis of the Laws of England: 127
Blackstone's Commentaries: 122
Bouvier's Law Dictionary: 138
Bracton, De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae: 140
Bridgman's Legal Bibliography: 147
Britton: 149
Brooke's Abridgment: 150
Brunner, The Sources of English Law: 1
Butterworth's Annotated Legislation Service: 52
Card, Cross and Jones: Criminal Law: 142
Chronological Table of the Statutes: 337
Coke's Institutes: 204
Comyns' Digest: 218
Cowley, A Bibliography of Abridgments, Digests, Dictionaries, and Indexes of English Law to the Year 1800
Current Law Statutes Annotated: 88
Daniel, History and Origin of the Law Reports: 64, 145
D'Anvers' Abridgment: 253
Davis' Criminal Law Consolidation Acts
Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously: 272
Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents: 112
Ensor, Defects of the English Laws and Tribunals: 296
Fitzherbert, New Natura Brevium: 311
Fitzherbert's Abridgment: 312
Fleta: 314
Foss, Biographia Juridica: 591
Foster's Crown Law: 321
Fox, Handbook of English Law Reports: 64, 156
Friend, Anglo-American Legal Bibliographies: 70
Gilmore, The Death of Contract: 126
Glanvill: 336
Grotius, De jure belli ac pacis: 352
Hale, Historia Placitorum Coronae: 358
Halsbury's Laws of England: 152
Halsbury's Statutes: 152
Halsbury's Statutory Instruments: 152
Hart, The Concept of Law: 272
Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown: 375
Hoffman's Course of Legal Study: 391
Hollond, English Legal Authors Before Blackstone: 172
Holmes, The Common Law: 171
Ilbert, Legislative Methods and Forms: 470, 539
Information Sources in Law
Jelf, Where to Find Your Law: 185
Kelsen, Pure Theory of Law: 272
Kent's Commentaries: 437
Law Books in Print
Lawyers' Law Books: 164
Maine, Ancient Law: 612
Marvin's Legal Bibliography: 4
Moran, The Alphabet of the National Insurance Act, 1911.: 148
Moran, The Boarding House Proprietor and His Guest: 199
Moran, The Heralds of the Law: 199
Odgers on Libel and Slander
Rastall, The Abbreviacion of Statutis: 599
Rastall, Termes de la Ley: 599
Russell on Crime: 624
Rolle's Abridgment: 617
Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History: 226
Simpson, Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law: 169
Szladits' Bibliography on Foreign and Comparative Law: 71
St Germain, Doctor and Student: 626
Stair, Institutions of the Law of Scotland: 109
Statutes in Force: 45
Stone's Justices' Manual: 20, 51
Stroud's Judicial Dictionary: 156, 161, 261
The Digest: 81
Vattel, Les droit des gens: 706
Viner's Abridgment: 711
Wallace's Reporters: 715
Wheaton, Elements of International Law: 728
Williams, Learning the Law: 43, 94
Winfield, The Chief Sources of English Legal History: 16
Where to Look for Your Law: 31, 71
Words and Phrases Legally Defined: 156, 261
See also
Military Law Literature in India
External links
Learning materials related to Bibliography of law at Wikiversity