Scanning electron microscopy of V complanatispinifera sp nov UFBA
Vosmaeropsis complanatispinifera sp nov UFBA 1882POR holotype
Clathria Microciona achelata sp nov light microscope images of
Clathria Microciona achelata sp nov SEM images of spicules A
Vosmaeropsis recruta sp nov UFBA 4456POR holotype ADiactine
Comparative skeletal composition of the 23 species of the genus
Scanning electron microscopy of Vosmaeropsis recruta sp nov UFBA
Map showing the geographic distribution of Vosmaeropsis recruta sp
Vosmaeropsis recruta sp nov UFBA 4456POR holotype APreserved
PDF Two new species of the genus Vosmaeropsis Dendy 1892 Porifera
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